02 | stuck in a loop of scandal.

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yeri looked at her empty plate. she looked over to sooyoung, who was still drinking her soda. yeri let out a sigh, it was time to find the perfect dress. she needed to be the prettiest at the event — dong sicheng wouldn't look at anyone.

" are you done ? " yeri asked, as sooyoung looked up, shaking her head. yeri opened her phone, before she fixed her hair. yeri felt like something was wrong. was it her hair ? did she have anything near her mouth that wasn't supposed to be there ?

" let's go. " sooyoung said, as she got up, holding her tray. yeri put her phone back in her purse, as the two girls walked up to the trash cans and tray areas. " is there anything wrong ? "

" can we go to the bathroom ? " yeri asked, as sooyoung nodded. yeri smiled, as the two made their way to the bathroom. yeri quickly walked to the mirror, where she saw what was wrong. " what is that ?! " she yelled.

" what ? " sooyoung approached yeri, looking at her face. " oh, it's a pimple. " she let out a laugh, as yeri began shaking her head, clearly terrified by the appearance of the pimple.

" i can't have a pimple ! " yeri yelled, as tears rolled down her cheeks. " sooyoung, i'm not beautiful with a giant pimple next to my mouth ! " she continued crying, as sooyoung handed her a tissue.

" yeri, get yourself together ! " sooyoung yelled back at her, " calm down ! it's just a pimple, we'll get you a pimple patch and it will go away. " she handed yeri her purse, taking out all of her makeup. she gave them to yeri, who let out a sigh.

" now i won't grab his attention. " yeri tried calming down, as she fixed her mascara. she put on blush, looking at herself in the mirror. " do you know how important it is for me to be able to get him to even look at me ?! "

" you are amazing, yeri. " sooyoung fixed yeri's hair, " sicheng will fall in love with you. you will go at that event and make him see you as the only girl in the whole room. "

" he better do that. " yeri let out a scoff, as she put her makeup back in her purse. " let's go, we need to find dresses. " she held onto sooyoung's arm, as they walked out of the bathroom.

" where should we go ? " sooyoung asked, " because there are so many dress boutiques. but some are cheap .. " she sighed, " and there will be a lot of people. we don't want that. "

" we should go to the most expensive one, my favourite. " yeri let out a laugh, as they walked up to the elevator. the two girls got in, as sooyoung pressed the third level's button. " what color do you have in mind ? " she asked sooyoung, who looked at her friend.

" maybe black. " sooyoung replied, as yeri raised her eyebrow. " i don't want to stand out. but you, you need to have the show-stopping dress, the one that will make everyone look at you. " she smiled, as the two girls got out of the elevator.

" i hope there are no people at the store. " yeri said, as she checked the clock. " we should've talked to the employees, to not allow anyone else in the store. i really don't want to interact with other people. "

sooyoung spotted the store. the two girls walked in, as yeri saw the dress of her dreams. an orange dress, built with a corset, that felt so soft when she held it. sooyoung looked at her, as the employee quickly walked up to yeri.

" should we take it off the mannequin, to allow you to try it on ? " the employee asked, as yeri nodded. the employee smiled, carefully taking it off, for yeri to try it on. " i think you will look amazing in it. " she said, as yeri smiled.

" thank you. " yeri said, as sooyoung began walking around with another employee, trying to find her own dress. then, the employee took the dress off, as the two walked to the changing rooms.

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