Epilogue pt 2

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Jisung's contract signed, Minho was back to full time at work.

Their little organisation has ended, so Jisung was fully able to adapt to his new job, while Minho finally had the time to go back fully into dance.

"Babe" Jisung called, joining Minho in the kitchen and helping him with the cooking "Are you down for a little organization talk ?"

"What do you mean ?" Minho asked softly

"Well, you're back to work, and me too" He chuckled "Shouldn't we get reade so our work doesn't ruin the rythm we had before that ?"

"Oh right" Minho nodded "About Ava ?"

"Yeah" Jisung muttered "If you'd like to" He added, unsure.

"Of course, we can share the time" Minho smiled at him, approaching to peck his nose.

"I can bring her and pick her up on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays" Jisung said, smiling "Tuesdays are kinda complicated for me, it's usually the time Changbin's there too, we may stay at the studio more"

"No problems for me on Tuesdays, love" He smiled softly "But you don't have to do so much, I can pick Mondays too, I'm usually free the afternoon"

"I mean, if you'd like to" Jisung responded, looking fondly at him.

"And give me the Wednesdays too" Minho frowned playfully "I'm doing her class, I can take her and bring her back"

"But I like picking you two up from dance class" Jisung pouted

"Then let's do one week yes and the other no" Minho grinned "I'll bring her on one week, so you can stay at the studio for more time, and you'll pick us up on the other, is that good for you ?"

"It's perfect" Jisung said, staring fondly "Thank you"

"Don't thank me" Minho smiled, leaning in to kiss lovingly at his lips.

"Ew" Ava said with a giggle as she joined in the kitchen.

Jisung chuckled as he detached their lips, frowning jokingly at the girl.

"Let me kiss Lino, you party pooper" Jisung nagged playfully.

"Too much kisses !" Ava responded with another giggle.

The first week of adaptation was hard, mostly for Minho.

After half a year in part time, doing a full day was tiring. His body had weakened so slightly, but he wasn't too worried about it.

Going back home on the days he stayed longer was a satisfaction, but he would get home and want nothing more than sleeping on the couch.

"I made dinner" Jisung said, shyly.

"You ?" Minho chuckled "Are you sure it's edible ?"

"Hey !" Jisung nagged "I did my best"

"You didn't have to" Minho reassured, standing back up painfully.

"I wanted too" Jisung smiled "You seemed tired yesterday"

"It's okay, my love" Minho smiled, pecking his lips and tapping his butt as he passed "I'm mostly sore"

"After Ava's put to bed, let's take a warm bath together ?" Jisung offered, smiling.

"I'll be fucking glad"

It wasn't that hard when he had Jisung and Ava, in the end. Easier than back then, when he was all alone.

He would be home, cook with them or have Jisung cooking (or trying to). Ava would smother him in hugs and giggle with him, while Jisung would massage his sore muscles and pamper him.

It felt good, it felt warm. He liked it.

Even when he had to pick the girl up. He liked the little walk they did when he went to. He liked crossing with Changbin who was picking Hoonie, and he absolutely loved the times Jisung picked them up at the dance studio. He loved how they would go back home, Jisung talking non-stop to praise the two of them.

When Saturday arrived, Minho was tired, but he staying at home and sleeping wasn't so appealing.

They woke up in the late morning, in pajamas on the couch as they watched cartoons while eating their breakfast.

"What if we went to the park this afternoon ?" Minho offered, out of nowhere.

"YAAAY" Ava raised her arms in the air in victory.

"Really ?" Jisung said, surprised it came from him.

"Why not ?" He smiled "A little walk and some ice cream. It's sunny and I need vitamin D"

"Let's go, yeah" Jisung responded happily.

The walk in the park went smoothly.

With laughs and giggles, they sunbathed and had icecream.

They ended up sitting on the grass, while Ava couldn't stop playing with the butterflies and running around.

Jisung sighed content, feeling soft. He looked at his lover, before leaning down and laying his head on the boy's lap. Minho's hand quickly found the boy's hair, playing with the strands as he had his eyes on Ava.

"I love this"

"I love you"

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