Chapter 54

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When Felix joined Jisung for a little hang out, he was surprised to see him so bright.

"Damn, looks like you had nice vacations" Felix joked

"You have no idea" Jisung smiled "It was a little bit of a rollercoaster, but it ended so well, I just feel relaxed"

"What happened ?" Felix asked curiously

"Minho came with me to my parents" He said softly, a smile spreading on his lips "He asked for it"

"Aw, he's so cute" Felix cooed "How did it went ?!"

"So well..." He chuckled "He seemed genuinely happy to see the girlie too ... Like ... How did he change so much ? I didn't even realized it"

"I'm proud of him" Felix nodded

"I am too" Jisung grinned.

"And how's your ass now ?" Felix chuckled

"Better" He sighed "I finished my treatment, and my 'sex ban' is supposedly over"

"Supposedly ?" Felix asked curiously

"Well... since the incident, we didn't really ... try anything" He admitted, embarassed.

"Really ? Why ?" He asked with a slight frown.

"We just have been reluctant at the idea ? I'm not sure" He shrugged "I slightly lost my libido right after with my own concern and stress over it, and I do think Minho got really wary of anything, scared it could arrive again... He might be waiting for me to start it, just to make sure I would want it"

"That do sounds like something he would do" Felix pouted "And now ? Is the libido back ?"

"A bit yeah" He nodded "But I don't really know how to start a sexy thing again" He chuckled.

"Maan, you should try !" He encouraged "As long as you want to, just go for it ! If you two are still scared of how your ass could take it, remember there's still a lot of things to do ! You two have been trying this already"

"Yeah, that's true" Jisung said embarassingly "I just ... it's kinda stressful to be forward and all"

"I agree" Felix shrugged "But still, I'm 100% sure Minho would follow anyway. Just go for it, tease him a bit and revive the tension that faded"

"Yes, you're right" Jisung said firmly "I'll do it !"

He didn't know if it was his conversation with Felix, or the fact that Minho arrived at his house after taking a long shower at the studio, but he felt extremely horny.

The boy was cooking dinner, his still slightly wet hair falling on his forehead a bit too perfectly, and his outfit screamed boyfriend material. He had decided to wear a tshirt he rolled at his shoulder, and Jisung had the whole view over his very pretty arms, while they contracted and showed their veins when he moved around with the food.

Jisung wasn't concentrated at all.

"... And that's how I ended up dying" Minho said.

"Mmh" Jisung hummed.

Minho turned to him with an amused smiled, blinking at Jisung.

"You're not listening, are you ?" He asked

"..." Jisung bit back a smile, embarassed

"What's on your mind ?" Minho asked

"You're hot" Jisung blurted out.

"Oh ?" He asked with a slight smirk, leaning on the counter "Am I ?"

"I would let you tak-" Jisung started, but stopped himself right away as Ava bolted inside, smiling as he heard Minho's loud laugh.

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