Chapter 62

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Breathing loudly, he wondered if it was a good idea.

But he didn't have time to think. 

Act on it, Jisung !

He slapped himself, before raising his head and knocking at the door.

"Hello my love" Jisung said with a wide smile when Minho opened the door.

"Ji-" He blinked

"Okay, I know you asked me time, and I'll give it to you. But after this" Jisung said firmly, still smiley

"What ?" He asked, confused.

Jisung entered, making himself way, before turning to Minho and taking a huge breath

"I love you, Minho, so much" He blurted out

"I love y-"

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me" He continued, his smile getting more and more saddened "I thought I was so unwanted, undeserving of love, I thought I'd spent the rest of my life alone and letting parenthood ruin my life, Min. You changed so much of my vision of it. I'm so, so happy around you"

Minho frowned sadly.

"Me t-"

"I know it's a hassle. I know I'm not the kind of 25 year old boy you could have dated. I know I'm messed up in a thousands of ways, and I know it's sometimes complicated to have Ava around. I know all of that, baby, I know"

"..." He frowned more

"But I also know that we have been doing so well..." He smiled, getting emotional "We are constantly around each other, we have fun in ways I wouldn't have imagined before. We go on dates, on outings, we cook together, shower together, discover new things together. Even with Ava, our life isn't over" He added, eyes shining.

And Minho's eyes seemed to be shining too.

"I kn-" 

"And Ava ... she likes you so much ... And the funniest thing, is that you don't seem to hate her. You have gotten so close to her, I can see you playing with her mindlessly, tickle her and giggle along. I can see you be truly happy when she's too cute, and truly saddened when she's upset. You... You called yourself daddy ... And seemed to like it..." He continued, getting a bit more unconfident

"I do Ji-"

"I... Maybe your mom is right. Maybe you'll ruin a few things by staying with me. Maybe you won't know what it's like to be free of responsibilities... yes" He sighed shakily  "But there's so much more"


"You discover how it is, to have a little girl growing with you, and because of you" He assured, almost convincing himself "It's beautiful, and you don't even have to do the biggest work out of it. I can do it, I can hold it if it means having you, Min" He added firmly


"And I promise you, Minho. You should never feel stuck. If you stop loving me at some point, leave me. Leave Ava and I behind if that means we're not happy together. But now, I- We're happy, we're well... We can't decide for the future and risk destroying years of happiness we could have shared" He added finally, unshed tears filling his eyes.

Minho only stared at him, sincerely moved.

"Please, stay with me" He added weakly.

He chuckled, which weirded Jisung out even more.

He approached him, forcing him into a bone crushing hug, while he nuzzled his head on Jisung's shoulder.

"Love, I wouldn't have left you" Minho said firmly, holding him more tightly "I told you, I needed time to brush those thoughts off, only that"

"I thought-" 

"I wasn't clear enough, sorry" He said sincerely, leaning back to have a look at his face, his pretty face "Of course I'll stay with you"

"Really ?" Jisung smiled, a tear falling on his cheek.

"I don't agree with some things you said" He said, his thumb brushing the tears away "I want to share it with you. I need to get a little stronger, but I'll be so happy to share it. My mom's words are slowly putting it on my mind's bin. It's okay, I'm good. But you're right. I needed that, sincerely" 

Jisung sobbed instantly.

Like a baby, as if all fear and pressure he had accumulated suddenly disappeared.

"Noooo" Minho chuckled, arms wrapping under his legs to carry him "Don't cry, love"

"I missed you" Jisung mumbled between his cries

"I missed you too" Minho said softly "I'm sorry I was so gloomy, you deserved none of this"

"No, it's okay, I understand" Jisung mumbled.

"Thank you for your patience" Minho said

"Thank you for yours" Jisung smiled.

"Is Ava home ?" He asked curiously.

"She's with a babysitter" Jisung responded

"So, I can take you on a date ?" Minho asked softly.

"Gladly, yes" Jisung smiled widely.

"And we can go back home after, so I can greet baby Ava too ?" 

"Yes, yes we can do that"

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