Chapter 72

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It was finally the weekend, and finally the moment Jisung could have some time for himself.

Since Minho is around, he ended up having more time to play around with his mixing table, but he knew that he needed to spend his break time with his baby too.

Ava would arrive in the room, sitting on Jisung's lap and nuzzle to his chest while Jisung did his magic on his laptop, sometimes even recording parts of a song with his baby sleeping.

Minho had been thinking about it all.

He had been concentrated on an idea, an idea he was more than motivated to admit.

As they cuddled on their couch, the sound of the television became foreign for Minho, who had been lost in his thoughts.

He shut down the TV, before turning to have a look at his lover.

"Baby" He called

"Yeah ?" Jisung responded, curious.

"Ava's vacations are soon, aren't they ?" Minho stated

"Yeah, they are"

"Okay" He nodded "So soon, another year of school will be starting for her" 

"Exactly" Jisung smiled

Minho got silent a bit, before holding Jisung's hand tightly.

"I remembered one of our first conversations" Minho said, thoughtful

"Which one ?" Jisung asked, tilting his head to the side

"About you dreaming about making music" Minho responded, looking fondly  "You looked so vulnerable talking about it"

"Yeah... somehow I still feel vulnerable talking about it" Jisung chuckled dryly.

"Pretty normal" Minho reassured, caressing his hand "It's your dream"

"It... it was my dream... But... yeah" Jisung shrugged, a bit remorseful.

"What ?" Minho asked softly

"You already know the story" He sighed, saddening

"Yes" Minho nodded "Ava arrived and you wanted to provide for her"

"Yeah" Jisung winced, lowering his head.

"But tell me, love" Minho said softly, grabbing his chin to look at him in the eyes "What do you need to provide, now ?"

"A home" He responded

"You bought a house, the only depenses we have is electricity and warmth" Minho responded, firmly "You already provided enough"

"Food" Jisung continued

"Yeah, with my wage we have enough for us three, you and I both have enough put aside for that" He smiled "And making a career in music could make you have some money too"

"I- I know, but it's not only about that" Jisung frowned slightly

"Then what ?" 

"I need time" Jisung smiled sadly "My baby needs her father, I can't stay an entire day in my room producing, or going to Chan at the most random times to work on a track. She needs love, she needs care, I wouldn't let her grow up all alone"

"Baby Ava wouldn't be alone if I'm there" Minho smiled

"We both can get busy, Min... You work too" He responded softly "I wouldn't even find a job that easily"

"Chan offered you an internship many times, already" Minho insisted "You could start by an internship then join his producing team"

"... That would be unrealistic" He shook his head "I can't do that, and you know it"

Minho gazed at him for a moment.

The slight pain in his expression was tugging at his heart.

He took a deep breath, smiling reassuringly at him.

"I have something to tell you" He said.

Jisung raised his eyebrows, both curious and slightly worried.

"To tell me ?" He repeated.

Minho smiled

"From September to December, I've changed my contract with the dance studio" Minho confessed.

"W-what do you mean ?" Jisung asked, blinking, confused.

"I'll be working part-time for the next half of the year" Minho explained "Mostly on mornings, which gives me all my afternoons"

"Why- What happened ?" Jisung asked as his eyes widened a bit, concerned

"It was my choice" Minho smiled

"Minho... what do you-" 

"In august, you're quitting your stupid job and in september, I want you to accept that internship Chan offered" Minho said firmly.


"You have until December to the most of it while I take care of Ava" Minho added, talking seriously "You'd be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, I'll take her at school, bring her back to home, bring her to her dance classes or to te park, do the chores and make her happy" He continued


"On exchange, I want you to do something for me" He asked softly, bringing his hand to his mouth and peck it delicately.

"What ?" Jisung asked, voice wavering.

"Be fucking happy. Work hard and realize your dream" He insisted "Get a job with Chan and fucking live from your dream"

"Minho-" His eyes got teary

"And also" He smiled lightly "You'll have to sing a song per week to your family"

"You idiot" Jisung chuckled, his voice strained as a tear escaped his eyes. His lips started quivering and he was seconds away to sob completely.

"Is that okay for you ?" Minho asked softly, pushing the hair out of his face.

"Minho ... I don't understand why you would do that" Jisung asked, voice wavering more since he started crying silently.

"I want you to be happy, love" Minho responded, approaching to kiss his tears away.

"This is a lot" Jisung said, in disbelief.

"It's not, it's temporary" Minho reassured.

Jisung ended up letting out a sob, holding Minho so tightly.

His heart was racing, in complete shock of how much love he could feel for him.

"... I don't know what to say ... I don't know how to tell you how fucking grateful I am" Jisung mumbled

"We'll do this together, baby" Minho whispered, pecking his forehead "Parenthood won't ruin your life anymore, it's the two of us now"

Anxious, but eager, Jisung nodded.

He was ready to start a new path of his life, along with his precious daughter, and the love of his life.


So... I finished it :))))

Some epilogues are coming, maybe just a bit later, but they're coming ! :)

I really hope you liked it, this was my therapy for stress hehe

I hope everyone understood that even with dumb shit happening in life, there's no need to fall down, there's no need to think that life is over. We can still grasp a little bit of happiness out of the most random stuff, and that's what counts. 

Have a nice day !

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