Chapter 30

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If anything, Minho just couldn't stop ruining his life more and more.

Usually, Ava was used to not walk too much around, as Jisung was never lively enough to do so.

But since Minho arrived in his life, Ava got used to have a few walks, do multiple activities, have fun and be a normal child her age.

So when Jisung noticed Ava had been very bored, and very saddened, his heart tightened.

He couldn't do that to her.

She didn't deserve to receive the collateral effects of his messed up situationships.

So, with a few hours of sleep and a long day behind him, he decided to have a walk with her, who seemed delighted at the idea.

As they were walking, the girl was jumping around, her arm swinging from front to behind happily. Even if Jisung needed nothing more than to sleep, her excited state made him energetic enough.

But maybe walking the same park he used to with Minho wasn't such a good idea.

Because, obviously, he'd have to come to that situation.

He saw him, sitting on a bench.

At the sight, nothing more than hatred came to his throat. He felt his insides churn, and wanted to scoff out loud.

The worse in that, was that he was apparently on a date.

He was smiling charmingly at a boy that was sitting beside him, and the man seemed to be very much interested. Jisung felt nauseous.

He decided to shrug it off and ignore him. Minho didn't deserve any kind of attention, even if it was anger.

But Ava wasn't in the same type of thoughts.

As soon as she saw him, her eyes widened and she gasped.

And Jisung's heart skipped a beat when she detached from his hand, running in his direction.

"Fuck" Jisung mumbled, before running after her.

"LINO !" She yelled happily, very suddenly jumping towards him and holding his leg tightly.

His eyes widened in shock right away, almost comically. You could see his terrified state, as if a droplet of sweat was running down his forehead at the situation unfolding right there.

As Jisung arrived, exhausted from the run, he couldn't help but notice the weird situation.

The terrified eyes Minho was wearing, and how his date seemed to be in a deep state of confusion.

It almost made him laugh.

And it did give him an idea.

"You." Jisung stated, crossing his arms.

Minho's eyes widened more as he looked at Jisung, gulping loudly.

"I still can't believe you let your daughter all alone. We've been married for 4 years and you do that to me ?" He played, dramatically.

Minho blinked in disbelief. He was completely confused.

"W-What ?" He said, watching as Jisung grabbed the girl, carrying her.

"I'm getting a divorce."  Jisung added with more dramatical effects, before speed walking away.

As he was far enough, he couldn't help but laugh it out, proud of himself for his little silly act, and the shock written all over the two men features. 

Ava seemed confused, but didn't say anything more.

He turned to take a look at the bench, only witnessing how his date started yelling at him, before slapping him on the face, while Minho stood up in complete shock, holding his cheek from the slap.

He laughed more, now delighted from ruining his date.

As soon as he arrived home, he noticed how Ava was very much silent. He looked at her, wondering what was going on in her head.

"You okay, baby ?" He asked softly.

She nodded, still a bit pouty.

"Everything's okay, mmh?" He added

She shrugged, but decided to let it slide. She ran to the couch to grab her cat plushie, and sat comfortably, holding the plushie tightly into her embrace.

Again, the sight destroyed Jisung's heart.

He must do more efforts to protect the child.

Finally letting his head fall on his pillow, he sighed loudly, before picking up his phone.

And he couldn't help but chuckle as he noticed who texted him, so suddenly.

what was that ?!

are you crazy ?

oh, look who's texting now

jisung, are you being fr ?

idk, are you ?

you're being petty as hell

yes, yes i am

at least i have the decency of admitting it

wdym admit it ??? 

fuck, i've never lied about anything, why are yall getting so mad

you really don't understand ?


well, you didn't lie, no.

you've been a fucking green banner for weeks, and then suddenly turn to be the biggest asshole i've ever seen, sounds like a liar to me

you're a manipulator, minho, that's what you are

wtf no

i didn't manipulate you or whatever

i was genuine in the stuff we did tgt

alright, if you want to

atp i just don't care

fuck off minho, fr

He felt free, having his anger on the boy.

But it still didn't soothe his heart, which was still pretty much hurting.

He sighed, deciding to calm himself down.

There was nothing he could do.

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