Chapter 57

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"Says you !"

"Stop talking"

"Stop stepping so loudly"

"Okay, ready ?"

"Yes !"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!" Both Minho and Jisung yelled cutely, the two of them discreetly invading Ava's room.

The girl woke up abruptly, eyes widened, before her mouth merged in a wide smile.

She giggled loudly, standing up in her bed and jumping excitedly.

"Okay, it's your birthday lovely but you still can't jump in beds" Minho nagged playfully.

Ava only laughed at him, continuing to jump.

"Okay, you deserved it" He said, approaching the girl and grabbing her, delicately but still playfully making her lay back down, as she giggled super loudly.

"Leave my baby alone" Jisung joined in the banter, defending her.

"Wanna get laid down too ?" Minho threatened, holding back to say dirty stuff.

Jisung and Ava looked at each other, before he decided to carry her quickly, bringing her away.

Minho could only chuckle at the scene.

The rest of the morning went with Minho busy preparing the girl's birthday cake, while Jisung took his time to dress the girl up, before joining Minho to show him.

"She insisted on putting on makeup" Jisung shrugged.

"Isn't she a tad bit young ?" Minho asked

"It's just blush and a few glitters, it's alright" Jisung shrugged "If it isn't, then sue me" He joked

Minho turned, cooing at her outfit. She was dressed cutely, hair put in pigtails with a few stars orning her hair.

"You're the cutest" Minho affirmed.

Ava only giggled, before running away somewhere.

Jisung approached Minho, watching the cake and feeling his little heart tighten. He pressed a kiss on his lover's cheek.

"The guys are coming in 2 hours or so" Jisung informed.

"Alright" Minho said, gulping "I'm leaving soon, but I'll come back quickly"

"And are you finally decided on telling me where you're going ?" Jisung tried, watching Minho's smirk grow.


Jisung was so giddy when his friends arrived, all of them nicely dressed and with a few presents in their hands.

Changbin had brought Hoonie, who ran to Ava as soon as he arrived, and the two have been playing on the couch since then.

She was delighted, she had greet Felix for a long moment, and have been giggling to herself so much it warmed Jisung's heart.

"Where's Min ?" Chan asked as he sat down beside Jisung.

"No idea" He shrugged "He said he'd be there soon, but he isn't responding" 

"What kind of schemes has this boy prepared" Chan chuckled, shaking his head.

"Why is he so weird ?" Changbin playfully said

"I wish I knew" Jisung sighed "But he'll be there for the cake, I hope"

When it arrived the time to light the candles, Minho still wasn't there, and it made Jisung irritated.

He had been wishing for this to go perfectly well, and his absence made it weird for him.

He needed to be there. He had made the cake, had helped him for everything, and couldn't lose the sight of Ava blowing her 4th candles. 

But time was passing, and it gotten late.

"Still nothing ?" Felix asked softly.

"Well, whatever" Jisung shrugged, annoyed "I told him to come back early, if he can't, then it's his loss" He scoffed.

As he was ready to go to the kitchen and bring the cake, a knock at the door was heard.

With determined steps, he walked to the door, crossing his arms as he opened.

"So Sorry" Minho said, empathizing the words "I got held back- But I'm still on time ? Right ?" He asked hurriedly, seemingly panting.

He held a big bag in his hand, and seemed to be sweaty from running.

Jisung sighed and rolled his eyes, letting him enter.

"We're going to light the candles now" Jisung announced

"Thank god" Minho breathed out.

He rushed inside, smiling and waving at his friends, before getting attacked by an overexcited Ava who hugged him.

"Someone had lots of sugar, mmh?" He joked, smiling at her.

"We were waiting" Chan said, smiling at the cute sight.

"Let's light them now" Jisung said, walking back to the kitchen.

Ava couldn't erase the smile on her face as Jisung started singing Happy Birthday, as well as the others that joined in.

She only waited cutely, before approaching her candles to blow them, blushing and giggling when they started applauding her.

She was too happy.

She spent the rest of her time opening her presents, thanking everyone every time she did, as the polite little girl she is.

Until Minho offered him his present.

Jisung cooed at the sight, approaching Ava curiously because he wanted to see the present too.

His eyes widened as he looked at the package.

'From Daddy Lino'

He wanted to cry. He looked up at his lover, noticing how he wore a proud smile, quickly winking at Jisung before concentrating on the girl once more.

She opened the package happily.

"YAAAYY" She yelled happily.

He had bought a full dance outfit, a little bigger for her to grow with it, shoes included. It had beautiful colors of blue, and seemed to fit Ava's taste perfectly.

She was delighted, and Jisung was already teary.

Jisung started standing up to thank him, but the older stopped him, making him sit down once again.

"Wait" He said, searching in the huge bag once again "It's not over"

"Uh?" Jisung asked, wondering what kind of thing he had decided to buy for the girl.

Until Minho handed him a present, and he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

He looked at the card, placing his present on his lap as he wanted to read it.

'Congrats on fucking a women and making this beautiful and smart little girl. Congrats for spending the last 4 years taking care of the sweetest girl this world has carried. Congrats on letting your life in pause and doing your absolute best only for this little kid to grow up happy and healthy. It's not only the baby's birthday, but also the perfect opportunity to say Good Job to the most perfectly imperfect Dada.

You're the most genuine and amazing boy this world has known, and I love you with all my heart.

Lino <3'

He opened the present, watching the beautiful microphone Minho had bought. It was heavy, and seemed expensive, nothing like the microphone he had now.

"It was hard to find, sorry" Minho said, chuckling "I ordered it, it only arrived today... I had a few kilometers to drive"

Eyes teary, he jumped on the boy, engulfing him in a bone crashing hug.

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