Chapter 55

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"Ready Ava ?!" Minho asked excitedly, smiling widely at the girl.

"YAYY !" Ava said, jumping happily.

She wore cute snickers, as well as a random shirt and sweatpants, as she still didn't have the most comfiest sport outfit.

She grasped at her backpack happily, ready for her first dance lesson.

Minho, enthousiast at the idea, had joined them at Jisung's house pretty early, only to bring the girl to the studio.

Jisung could only watched them with stars in his eyes, joyful to watch such scene.

He watched as Minho crouched down, holding his palm down for her to hit it, before he held his hand and turned to Jisung.

"We'll get going, honey" He smiled.

"Alright" Jisung smiled widely, approaching the two.

He lowered to give a kiss on Ava's forehead, before standing up to give a kiss on Minho's lips.

"Ew" Ava said, jokingly.

"Don't 'ew' at us, you're just jealous I have a lover and you don't" Minho teased, laughing when Ava chuckled at the joke.

"Have fun" Jisung said, smiling warmly "I'll be there to bring her home"

"Alright" Minho smiled warmly "I fed the cats before going, so I'll get back with you as well. I'll eat but I won't sleep there, the babies need me" Minho pouted.

"It's okay" Jisung giggled, pecking his pout once more "Go, before you two get late"

So they went, waddling happily as they balanced their joined hands slightly.

What an endearing sight.

Minho had a blast.

He usually was annoyed when the studio assigned him the kid's dance class, as he much preferred the adults one, but having Ava there got him more giddy.

He struggled, as usual with kids, he had to make 15 kids from 3 to 6 do some exercices, as well as learn the basics of dancing, which wasn't an easy task.

But watching little Ava stir so cutely, move her arms and legs around very uncordinately but very engaged in learning was awesome.

She was the cutest.

Minho also witnessed how closed up she was.

She refused to talk to many of the kids there, and only followed Minho discreetly. She didn't dare to show she knew the dance teacher to others, nor she asked anything to him.

But she was sure of herself. She would respond confidently when other people asked her stuff, and didn't care much to be at the front or dance in front of others, even though she knew nothing about it.

She was a complicated and asocial kid, but Minho liked the way she behaved. She was respectful overall, and that was what mattered.

When it arrived the time for the parents to arrive, he signaled to Ava to walk to him.

"Let's wait for dada, Mmh?" He asked, and Ava nodded eagerly.

Jisung was already there for a little moment.

He had been watching the last minutes, impressed by Minho's patience with the kids (which was a rare sight to see) and by how Ava seemed immersed in the class. He couldn't erase his smile the entire time.

When Ava noticed his presence, she ran to him happily, asking to be carried, and Jisung obviously did.

They waited as they watched Minho discuss with a few parents, most of them grateful for Minho's implications and opportunities.

The studio was one of the many in Seoul, but it had a reputation. Most of the dancers there were known, or really engaged in the dancing scene. 

Studios were usually pretty expensive, repeating the history of social structure. People who were wealthy had the opportunity to put their kids into dance classes (or hobbies in general) and expending the way kids can reflect and live, while the less-rich kids stay at home, not wealthy enough to afford such things. Minho's class, which was founded by the studio, was at a very low cost, offering a certain equality of chances for every kind of kids. 

Minho liked this kind of actions, coming from a rather poor background himself, it was the main reason he had agreed on teaching those classes specifically. He loved being able to show opportunities he would have wished having before, and also because the parents were always the nicest. Grateful, they weren't the wealthiest but they were the kindest, even offering a few things for the studio and for Minho, who always had a hard time accepting. The poor always offered more than the riches, and he recognized himself in those.

Jisung watched fondly, falling exponentially more and more for the man as time passed.

Leaving the studio, Minho had a few more duties, such as signing out and saying goodbye to a few coworkers. But Jisung couldn't help but awe, because he had been holding Ava's hand the entire time.

"Bye Joon !" He waved from afar, watching as the boy approached to tap his back as a goodbye.

He did a double take as he saw Minho holding a kid's hands, and he frowned, weireded out. 

"Wait" He said, pointing at Ava "You have a kid ?!"

"No" Minho chuckled "It's my boyfriend's kid" Minho smiled as he showed Jisung, the latter shyly waving "Say hi to Ava" He added.

"Hello, girlie" Joon said, waving at the kid, before looking at Jisung "Looks like you have done an amazing job with the kid" He said to Jisung, smiling.

"Oh, well, thank you" Jisung chuckled shyly.

"Again, why do people congratulate you for this ? You literally just fuc-" Minho started talking, getting cut off by Jisung's hand on his mouth, as the latter laughed loudly at his comment.

Jisung was the happiest.

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