Chapter 49

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Spending an entire day making music was definitely something he had missed a shit ton.

He spent the day at his desk, mic set up as he worked again and again on the same music.

He had started working on it for so much time already, he was delighted he was able to continue, and he loved how inspiration flooded throughout him so naturally. He hadn't lost his skills.

It saddened him, in a way. This could have been his life, his work, his love. And it isn't

But it's alright. There'll be days like that, where music is the only thing that drives him.

Taking a slight pause, he thought back to the day before.

To the way he lashed out on Minho without reason, only for childish purposes.

To the way he insulted him just like that, just because he was being petty. He didn't even mind that Minho had a 'hooker' life. He never judged anyone on that point, himself have been through a similar phase.

He felt bad, honestly.

He felt so bad being so insecure, but he couldn't hide the weird feeling of self depreciation, of fear of not being enough.

He knew Minho had decided to date him because he stopped being undecisive. He knew Minho stopped minding about the fact that he had a child. He knew all that.

But he still couldn't help thinking he might be some fort of frustration for the older. Frustration he was too much of an adult, frustration that he was unable to even please him like normal people would. That stressed him.

He wants to work on himself. He wants to be clearer with Minho, he doesn't want to stress over him and risk ruining them.

It inspired him, somehow. 

He decided to write a little thing. A 1 minute song that sounded silly and stupid, but in which he could apologize formally, and with pretty high notes only to impress the older.

He started laughing at himself as he worked on that track, finding it pretty stupid but still fun.

Minho would like it, anyway.

Time passed and he didn't even realize it was already 18'.

He frowned, searching for his phone dramatically, unable to find it. He groaned as he ended up realizing he was simply sitting on it.

His battery was empty, and he groaned more.

As soon as it was enough charged, and that he switched it on, he couldn't help but chuckle over Minho's cuteness.

'idiot' called you 2 times.


you didn't pick me up today :((((

why aren't you answering ?


i miss youuuu

come over

come over

come over

han jisunnng

leave that mixing table of yours, you nerd

i regret forcing you to buy it

oops hehe


Parenthood ruin lives - Minsungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن