Chapter 29

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Jisung was angry.

He had been in a terrible mood for the last days, and everything around him started getting irritating.

The constant nagging of his colleague made him want to break something.

His constant overthinking brain was making him crazy.

And having Ava run around the house with that stupid cat plushie made it even worse.

He has been very lazy. Lazy to go out, lazy to talk to others, he's simply pissed.

Naturally, he went back to be more introverted.

He went back to let his friends live their life, without the need to call for them when he felt the need to.

He went back to his old life. Life pre-Minho. No fancy restaurants, no funny moment during the day, no surprises, no cooking.

Only his very boring life. 

Wake up, work, Ava, sleep. That was it. 

Only very long days, boring and unexciting days.

And the time for his skincare had disappeared once again.

Opening his laptop after a very tiring day, he breathed out. He was glad to have at least 5 minutes for himself, and he was more than determined to write some lyrics.

But the 5 minutes came to an end.

"Dada ?" Ava called softly, sucking on her thumb as she waddled to the boy.

He smiled as he took his headphones off, listening to what she wanted 

"Lino ?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Jisung's smile disappeared quickly.

He pressed his eyes closed for a moment, taking a deep breath, before opening them once again.

"Ava, go play" He responded, monotously.

"I want Linos food !" Ava asked, pouting strongly.

"Ava, we can't have that" Jisung shook his head, shaking his head.

"I want !" She said, angrily as she stomped her foot.

"Don't yell !" Jisung nagged, not liking her behavior and already short tempered.

"No ! No !" She yelled, resisting.

"Ava, you go to your room now" He stood up as he raised his voice completely, frustration taking a toll on him.

He saw how her eyes started watering, before she started running to her room and slamming the door closed, cries being heard on her way.

He looked at the door she passed by, and he felt his heart hurt.

Jisung realized how he yelled at her, and fell on his bed, the guilty feeling now unerasable.

He joined his hands on his face, trying to keep his calm. He hated raising his voice at her. He hated making her cry.

After a few minutes, he stood up.

He knocked at the girl's door, and didn't open until he heard her humming inside, letting him enter.

"Baby ?" He called softly, opening the door and seeing her, curled up in a ball in her bed.

He pouted at the sight.

He walked to her, sitting on a bed as he passed a hand through her hair. She nuzzled to it right away.

"Dada is bad isn't he ?" He said softly.

She nodded, tears still streaming down.

"I'm sorry I yelled, baby" He whispered, leaning to give a longing kiss on her forehead  "I didn't want to. Dada is stupid"

She cried more as she hugged her dad tightly, not wanting to be mad a him either.

"Sorry" He said again

As Felix was picking his bag, he noticed how Minho was typing on his phone. 

He walked to him.

"So, is it better with Ji ?" Felix asked, spooking Minho who wasn't expecting it.

"Oh" Minho said, suddenly awkward "Um... Well, you see ..."

Felix frowned.

"You still didn't text him ?"

"No ... ?" Minho responded

"Wait" Felix chuckled, getting annoyed "Excuse me, what ?"


"You're ignoring him ?" Felix narrowed his eyes at him, even more annoyed knowing Jisung didn't even tell him.

"I don't have to do anything, there wasn't any commitment" Minho shrugged, defending himself right away.

"Excuse me ?" Felix asked, scandalized "So you'll ghost someone like that and not even care ? Even if there isn't commitment, Ji still is a human you dumb idiot" He responded, getting mad

"Whatever" Minho tried to shrug it off, but got held back.

"What's wrong with you ?!" Felix asked aggressively

"Don't start yelling at me for that" Minho defended  "I've done that a thousand times with other people, you never cared. It's not because he's your friend that you should moralize me"

"You ghost one night stands usually, not someone you've been on fucking dates and who gave you his trust" Felix defended

"You're an hypocrite" Minho scoffed

"Me ? I'm the hypocrite ? You bitch, you tell Jisung you'll be patient and take care of him then the next day you forget he exists ?" Felix responded, halfway yelling.

"That's not-"

"Is that why you don't answer him ? huh ? That's because you idiot can't fuck him ? You're an ass, Minho, that's what you are" Felix accused, crossing his arms in disgust.

"What the fuck, no" Minho frowned "Is that what he thinks ?"

"I have no idea, stupid whore. Because the boy has been fucking silent." Felix yelled back


"You don't realize the impact you had on him. Before that, he'd stay at home for months, sleeping ; working ; taking care of ava ; sleeping again. He had fucking stopped living. And as soon as he gets brighter, more energetic, more fucking lively, you threw everything out" Felix responded, angered

"He's not my fucking responsibility !" Minho responded, equally annoyed

"Okay ! I get it ! But don't you dare talk to me again !" Felix yelled, walking to the door.

"Are you seriously turning your back on me because I don't want to talk to your little bestie ?!"

"No, fucking idiot. I'm turning my back on you because you're an ass and I'm tired of your petty behavior. Fuck off"

Minho watched as Felix left, biting his lip in shame.

As usual, what he tried to forget and let it slide, thinking it was a 'good plan', ended up in a misunderstood.

As usual, he fucked it up.

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