Chapter 4

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"Do I look good like that ?" Minho asked, looking at himself on the mirror.

"Can you help me prepare the living room instead of being narcissistic ?" Chan joked, throwing a pillow at the boy "It's my birthday, and I'm the one doing everything"

"Okay okay" Minho rolled his eyes "But do I look alright or not ?!" 

"You look as handsome as usual" Chan responded, scoffing.

"Enough for Jisung to fall for me ?" Minho asked with a sly smile.

"Apologize first, then you'll see" Chan chuckled

"That's what I'm going to do, idiot" He sighed "I don't even know what I should say"

"Maybe 'Sorry' ?" Chan continue to mock the boy

"Should I have texted a message instead ? I thought it'd be better if I apologized face to face" He rambled

"No, I think it's better like that. You two don't even know each other, it would have been weird" Chan responded

"But at the same time, it's been two weeks since it happened. It's kinda late to apologize" Minho pouted

"I told you Jisung only came for birthdays" Chan shrugged

"It's stressful" He whined

"Maybe you shouldn't have acted like an ass" He nagged

"I didn't want to" He defended

"Then tell me Minho, why did you acted like that ?" Chan asked, crossing his arms "Running away when you understood he has a kid ? Really ?"

"I don't know, I panicked" He sighed, trying to defend himself "I just thought he was a married man or something, and it stressed me out, I needed to get the fuck away"

"A married man ?!" Chan chuckled

"Bro, he said he'd agree on going out if his daughter could come !" Minho exclaimed, eyes widened "On a date !!"

"He doesn't have any other choices, that's the reason he said that. Be understanding" Chan corrected

"I get it, but like in the moment, it freaked me out" He shook his head, sighing as he sat down on the couch.

"But like, what do you actually want with the boy ?" Chan asked, narrowing his eyes at the boy "You don't know him, you saw him once and wants to pine for him... But why ?"

"He's hot" Minho responded with a stupid smirk.

"I get it" Chan rolled his eyes "But what else ? Is he gonna be another one of your one night stands ? Or are you targetting something more serious this time ?" 

"I don't know" He shrugged "I wanted to have some talks and see where it goes. If we don't match, then we don't need to go anywhere"

"And if you two match then, what will happen ?" Chan asked curiously

"I don't know" He shrugged again "In my bed" He responded with the same stupid smirk.

"And ... ?" Chan asked

"That's it I think, a friend as well" 

"So ... nothing serious ?" He asked, making sure

"I don't know" Minho sighed, getting a bit more serious "But if I can be honest, I don't see myself projecting me with someone that has a kid. I don't mind it, but I just don't want to get involved in that"

"His kid is really cute though" Chan defended

"Well, I don't like kids and I don't want to be a father" Minho responded firmly

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