Chapter 28

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It's been a week Jisung hasn't heard from Minho.

Jisung was surprised. Shocked even. Minho wasn't the kind to let him breathe one second without remembering him he existed. If he was bored he would text, and when he was very needy, he'd knock at his house or wait for him at his work.

But lately, nothing.

And it was even more surprising, knowing the last time they talked went weirdly.

At first, he decided to let him some space.

He seemed to want some calm, as frustrated he looked, Jisung decided to respect his boundary.

But after some time, he ended up texting him. A simple text, asking how he was doing.

Minho hadn't answered.

Confused and curious, Jisung asked Felix.

He just needed to know if he knew something, or if Minho was being as absent at work.

But apparently, he was absolutely normal.

"I just don't get it" Jisung sighed.

"That's really weird" Felix frowned "He didn't text anything either ? He didn't come to see you ?"

"Nah" Jisung shook his head

"Not even at work ?" He asked, surprised

"It's like he forgot I existed" Jisung chuckled, dryly though.

"What happened exactly the last time you two saw each other ?" He asked curiously

"I don't know, it wasn't much different from usually" Jisung said, trying really hard to decipher him "But he suddenly took a weird behavior"

"He did ?!" Felix frowned

"Yeah, super weird" Jisung explained "Kinda cold, he even scolded Ava pretty harshly"

"What ?" He asked, now purely weirded out.

"I'm telling you, he was weird" Jisung shrugged "I even asked him to come there for a bit, and he refused ... Like ... he never refused"

"wow..." Felix let out, thinking deeply "And... what do you think about that ?"

"I'm still kinda waiting for him to call, and explain, I guess" Jisung said, still trying to rationalize what was happening.

"You're annoyed, aren't you ?" Felix asked

"Kinda, but I guess he has his reasons" Jisung shrugged "I'm more weirded out than anything right now"

"I get that ..." Felix sighed "I'll see if I can see something or talk about that at work ... Tell me if something changes, alright ?" 

"Thanks, Lixie"

That same night, Jisung didn't feel reassured.

Something felt wrong with Minho's sudden behavior.

And Jisung wasn't the most confident in a lot of things, but this, it scared him a lot.

Someone suddenly disappearing from his life ? That was a bit too redundant.

Grabbing his phone, he decided to call him. Maybe he'll answer. Maybe he can understand him.

It rang, for some time.

Until it eventually responded

"Yes ?"

A voice responded.

A voice that sounded nothing like Minho's.

Jisung frowned, checking his phone to make sure he had call the good person. And yes, it still said 'Idiot'.

"Um... Is Minho there ?" Jisung asked

"He's sleeping, love"  The man said"Do you need something from him ? I can wake him up if you need to"

"Oh, no it's alright. Just tell him to call me back" Jisung said, a bit disappointed.

"No problem"

Minho ended up never calling back.

Neither texting.

Nothing, actually. The same emptiness that has been growing throughout the week continued.

And Jisung was now not rationalizing anymore.

More days, a week even, and nothing.

Jisung was now completely annoyed by it. Mad.

He didn't even have time to be sad about it, he didn't want to either, he only felt anger towards the situation. Towards how ignored and unwanted he felt, again.

Who did he think he is ? 

Firstly, he pines for him like hell, constantly being here, constantly invading his time and life.

Then he gets super weird, and now completely ignores him ?! Is it like that ? Is it that easy for him ?

He started thinking it through, maybe even overthinking it.

He wouldn't admit it, in all honesty. He didn't explain it further to Felix, and decided it was the course of life, and that was it.

But still, at night, it invaded his mind.

He wondered if he had done or said something wrong. He almost felt guilty of things he doesn't know he did.

He wondered if Ava did or said something weird back at the restaurant, or if Minho was already tired of waiting, tired of patience, tired of being unable to take what he actually wanted from Jisung.

If he had enough.

Jisung preferred acting mad, but in all honesty, it did hurt to realize he was being ghosted by him.

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