Chapter 3

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"Where's Ava ?" Felix asked as he joined Jisung on the couch.

"Napping" Jisung said softly "She spends most of her time sleeping anyway" He added chuckling.

"She's so cute" Felix pouted "How old is she again ?"

"Three" He smiled to himself.

Jisung was busy doing laundry, an activity he spent most of his Saturdays in. Not the funniest nor something he actually wanted to do, but it's not like he actually had time for it during the week, or when Ava was awake.

"By the way" Felix said, joining in and helping his friend folding the clothes, cooing everytime he saw Ava's cute little clothes "Changbin told me what happened with Minho..."

"Ah, yeah" Jisung scoffed.

"That was kind of messed up" Felix commented "Which is surprising from him, actually. He was simping for you at Seungmin's party"

"Well, I don't know the guy" He chuckled dryly, still offended "But yeah, whatever" He shrugged.

"He's a little bit clumsy, and he's somehow complicated to understand, but he's really a nice guy" Felix insisted.

Jisung only raised his eyebrows, looking at him unbelievebly.

"I promise !" Felix added "He's a softie, careful and he's super respectful !"

"I wouldn't say respectful" Jisung dryly chuckled "The guy ran away as soon as he saw the child, and literally lied to my face"

"Pretty sure he panicked" Felix pouted

"Panic or not, that was not it" Jisung responded with a sigh "I feel unwanted enough".

"I'm sorry Hannie ..." Felix said, sympathizing with his friend.

"It's okay, I guess" He shrugged "That's exactly what my entire life has been looking like since Ava arrived" He added, eyes saddening.

Felix hated to see him so defeated. He was so going to slap Minho in the face.

"I know, that's why it annoys me" Felix pouted more.

"I guess I just need to find a man who wouldn't actually care about me having her" He said, before whining "Why do they all run away as soon as they know ?!"

"They're scared of commitment" Felix assuredly responded

"But that's stupid" He shook his head "I won't ask for commitment just because I have a child, can't a man have some fun ?" He whined more

"You know men" Felix chuckled "They're cute, but stupid"

"Right" Jisung chuckled along.

Felix spent the entire day around Jisung, helping him doing his chores while they talked lightly. It had been months they haven't been spending that kind of time together, and Jisung couldn't explain how that warmed his heart.

And as they started making dinner, little steps started being heard, and the joyful Ava ran to his dad in giggles.

"Hi baby" Jisung said softly as he picked her up, giving a peck on her forehead "Slept well ?" He asked, cradling her slightly.

"Ya !" She responded, smiling brightly.

"Hi Ava !" Felix waved, giggling along when the kid waved back happily.

"Remember Lix ?" Jisung asked, and smiled when the girl nodded furiously 

"I'd babysit her anytime, Hannie" Felix said, looking at her in awe

"Play with your toys a bit while we make dinner ?" Jisung asked her softly.

She nodded, bolting to the living room as soon as she hit the ground.

"She grew so much" Felix said, cooing.

"She did, it's crazy" He chuckled "I'm not ready for her to hit puberty and be a teen. I stuggle enough mentally with her as a child ... I don't want to relive the anguish of teen years." 

"Scary" Felix said, making a disgusted expression.

"I know" Jisung chuckled.

"She looks so much like her mother though" Felix said, tentatively.

"She does" Jisung responded, widening his eyes "Like, I can see she took from me, like her big cheeks and eyes, but she looks so much like her"

"At least Ava took from her good genes" Felix chuckled.

"And I hope it's only that" Jisung responded, shaking his head.

After Jisung struggled for a minute to put Ava at the table while Felix cooed at the sight, they started digging in. 

As usual, like the over-energetic kid she was, Ava was deep in her thoughts, muttering incoherent words. So Felix took the occasion to have a talk, curiosity killing the cat.

"How is it going then ?" Felix asked

"What ?"

"In like ..." Felix started, before mouthing the word 'sex'

Jisung only shook his head.

"You don't wanna know" He dryly chuckled.

"Is it that bad ?" Felix winced

"Horrible" Jisung sighed "I don't find the time to meet new people, or to actually maintain any kind of relationship, or situationship for that matter. I'm never available, only when I can actually find someone to take care of the kiddo. And even if I was ... the thing I told you about isn't better"

"What ?!" Felix widened his eyes "It's been years"

"Well, years of ... nothing" He chuckled embarrassingly "Pretty sure I became a virgin again" He whispered.

"When's the last time you tried ?" Felix asked

"Like, a year ago" He shrugged "Keyword, I tried

"So you're still struggling ?" Felix pouted

"Looks like I'll never have ... that ... again" 

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