Chapter 8

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"Fucking hell Felix, please tell me you're available today" Jisung said on the phone, in complete rush.

"Is something wrong ?" He responded

"My boss called me, I have to be at work in 2 hours on a fucking Sunday, my babysitter is not there, and all of our friends aren't there" He sighed loudly "I need someone to take care of Ava, I know you're usually not available on Sundays, but please Lixie" He begged.

"Hannie... I'm so sorry but I can't be there before 18..." Felix said, apologizing


"But... I know someone who'd be available" Felix said, chuckling.

Jisung didn't have more time to think about it.

Defeated, he picked his phone, and texted him.


ooh hi hannie


i have to be at work very suddenly, and i have no one to take care of ava. felix will be available at 18', but until then, i really need you to take care of her, please

i'll pay you



no need to pay me

thank god


god no

at 18'

as soon as lixie gets w ava

you're going on a date w me

how does that sounds

whatever, okay

thank you


can you be there in an hour?

* adress *

of course :)

Jisung already regretted, but he didn't have time to think.

He only rushed to get ready, before waking up his little girl and explaining to her what was going to happen. Half-awaken, she nodded.

And when Minho knocked, he got weirded-out by Jisung's completely rushed behavior, but smile nonetheless at his cuteness.

"Ava's on the couch" He said, pulling Minho to the living room "Say hi, baby" He smiled at her.

Ava waved, blinking in confusion.

"Hello" Minho said, a bit awkwardly.

"I made her some lunch, you just have to warm it, it's in the fridge" Jisung continued, pressed "She usually sleeps a lot so it won't be too complicated. If something happens, just text me and I'll find a way"

"Alright, sir" Minho responded

"Okay" He rushed to the girl to give her a loving peck of the forehead, before turning to Minho and smile embarassingly "Thank you, again"

"No problem" Minho winked "See you for our date" He added, making the younger roll his eyes.

As soon as Jisung left the house, Minho walked to the girl and crouched down, smiling.

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