Chapter 45

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School break was approaching, and Jisung was thoroughly thinking of something to do.

It's not that he hated school breaks, it's more that he had to be creative and find something to do.

It's not that he's a bad father, it's more that he doesn't know if he'll have the mental to run after Ava for two long weeks around the house.

"Put her into work, homeworks or something" Minho said, shrugging

"She's 3, Minho" Jisung shook his head.

"What do 3 year old people do, then ?" He asked

"Definitely not homework" He sighed, chuckling after "Any activities will make her bored after one hour"

"Damn, kids have worse attention span than me" Minho blinked "Wouldn't have thought"

"Minhooo you're not helping" Jisung whined, letting his head fall on Minho's chest.

"I'm thinking, I just don't know what" Minho chuckled, passing a hand through the boy's hair.

"Oh, I know!" He raised his head, looking at the boy with a wide smile "Should I subscribed her into your dance studio now ?!"

"It's closed for kid's classes during school breaks" He said, looking sorry.

"Damn it" Jisung whined, letting his head fall on his chest once more.

"But you can do it when it reopens" Minho smiled "It would give you some time for yourself as well"

"Not really" Jisung shrugged "I'll still have to bring her there and bring her back. If anything, I'd lose more time" He chuckled dryly "But if I can make her happier, I'll do"

"You're joking ?" Minho chuckled "She'll quite literally become my student at some point. I might as well bring her back here"

Jisung smiled at him, liking a lot the efforts he made.

"And maybe you could pass see us dancing sometimes" Minho smiled softly

"Don't you wanna teach me  how to dance ?" Jisung smirked "Now that I think of it, it would be rather hot to have you as a teacher"

"I can teach you how to be more flexible" Minho smirked, acting silly "In your bed, preferably"

Jisung rolled his eyes.

"I'll put her into your dance class... But it still doesn't help me with what to do during break" He continued, until he widened his eyes, having the best idea "I know !" He exclaimed.

"Mmh ?"

"Why don't I bring her to her grand parents ?" He smiled widely "She won't miss me that much, and she'll be in safe hands ! And I can have a week or two for myself !"

Minho smiled at the idea.

"But ..." He interrupted "... What if I miss her ?" Jisung asked, looking at Minho with soft eyes.

"You won't, it's okayyy" Minho said, still smiling widely.

"I will" Jisung pouted "I know I will"

"You'll be too busy having the time of your life to think of her !" Minho tried to hype the idea.

"I think of her every seconds of my life, Min" Jisung pouted more.

"It's okayyy, I'll get you entertained" He smiled "And it's just two weeks, in which she'll have fun in Incheon with her grandparents she doesn't see much !"

Jisung looked at him for a moment, holding his laugh.

"You really want to have me for yourself, mmh?"

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