Chapter 18

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"Hi Lixie, am I interrupting ?" Jisung asked, putting his phone on the counter in speakers.

"Not at all, what are you doing ?" He responded

"Just cleaning around, I got back home an hour ago or so and Ava's sleeping" He said, cleaning the table "I wanted to ... kind of continue the discussion we had that last time"

"Of course Ji ! I told you you could tell me anything ! How's it going with Minho ??" Felix asked excitedly.

"Well, we've seen each other like, 3 days ago." He smiled to himself

"And how did it went after the infamous kiss ??"

"We've been ... kissing ?" He chuckled "It's weird, it's like going on dates and kissing sometimes. He also makes the effort of having Ava around as well, he's being nice lately"

"Only kissing ?" Felix said, and Jisung could hear his pout.

"We made out" Jisung shrugged "But yeah, still very slow"

"That's good, that's what you need" Felix smiled "And ... about your experiment with yourself ?"

Jisung laughed, embarassingly.

"Well... I've been trying, and it's true that the more I kiss Minho, the more the libido grows" He admitted "It's been a bit better, it hurts way less as I do try, actually. I still can't ... come ... to be honest, and I still struggle to even try ... anal-stuff related" He said, cringing right away.

"Don't you want to see your therapist again about it ? It could help" Felix adviced

"I should yeah, but not right now" Jisung winced "Last time, it went worst when I acknowledged my problem, and it was a lot of time I gave to those sessions. It was easier when Ava was a baby and she wouldn't mind having a babysitter. Lately she's been picky, I can't let her in the hands of someone else for hours during the week like that." He sighed loudly "If I end up having some kind of intimacy with Minho, or anyone for that matter, I'll go again for sure"

"Well, in the end, you're doing good" Felix praised, encouraging him "As long as you keep on trying, without tiring yourself about it either, it'll just go well"

"Thank you Lixie" Jisung pouted "I-"

He got cut off as he heard his doorbell ring.

"Guest ?" Felix asked

"I swear if it's Minho..." Jisung sighed, chuckling

"Then it's cute"

"I work tomorrow" Jisung shook his head

"It's okayyy just tell him to leave early" Felix insisted "I'll let you hang up and see if it's indeed him. See you babe !

"See you" Jisung smiled.

"Hi, pretty" Minho smiled, raising a plastic bag "Is it too late to have dinner ?"

Jisung sighed, but his smile unearasable.

"We were going to eat pasta, to be honest" Jisung chuckled

"So you'll be down ? I bought sushi on my way" Minho offered.

And Jisung didn't hesitate. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him inside.

"By the way, sorry I'm not the cleanest at the moment" Minho chuckled, putting the food on the table "I just got out of the studio"

"I thought you got out earlier" Jisung said, curious

"Depend of the days, or events" He explained "We're preparing for a performance soon"

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