Chapter 6

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Minho woke up pretty early, stirring in his bed for a few minutes before taking his phone and scrolling for a moment.

He didn't have to go to work too early, but he still loved to wake up in the morning, have the time in his day to be bored and take care of himself. That's how he appreciated life.

After scrolling for too long, he decided that it was time for him to stand up. He couldn't stay in bed his entire morning.

Motivated, he decided to grab the first clothes he found, before going for a run.

Putting some joggers and a shirt that he had already worn before, he walked to his kitchen to grab a milkshake and a fruit, quickly taking his breakfast and leaving the house.

He ran around his neighborhood for 20 to 30 minutes, simply appreciating the light wind as he ran. Not too quickly nor too slowly, he relaxed as he ran, watching as the city slowly woke up as well to go to work.

Getting back home, he smiled as his cats started nuzzling at his legs, asking him for some food.

He cooed, crouching down to give them a few pets, as the three demons started insisting more and more to be nourished. He chuckled at their eagerness, shaking his head.

"Ungrateful little demons" He mumbled, standing up to fill their bellies.

He chuckled as he looked fondly at his babies eating their breakfast, before watching the time. No need to hurry, but he should really start getting ready for his day.

He took his time to choose a nice outfit. He didn't have any dress code for work, only something comfy anough to dance. But he liked to look nice, so he always chooses wisely.

He took a long shower, appreciating the time, before getting in front of his mirror for his skincare routine.

He smiled to himself as he put a nice cream on his face, before picking his perfume to put some as well, smiling proudly as he felt reshreshed and clean.

He passed a wet hand through his hair to tame his hair, but nothing much. He was handsome effortlessly anyway.

He checked his messages as he put his clothes on, before sitting on his bed to actually respond to his friends.

Chan was too busy to actually answer, but still said he'd be there for his birthday. So he was happy about it

Jisung's ones were still very cold, and very unwelcoming, but he didn't mind too much. He liked the little cat and dog relationship they had, and still didn't want to give up. He chuckled at Jisung's stern answers.

He had also two other messages, mostly from boys he had met through other friends, or at clubs. He smiled to himself as he responded to one of them, before smiling at Soonie.

"I guess we'll have a guest tonight" He said, before winking at Soonie, who didn't understand shit.

He walked to work, happily listening to his music on his way.

He had a car, but liked to be eco-friendly. He knew his dance studio wasn't too far away, at 15 minutes walk, so he didn't need any car to go there.

And anyway, he liked the feeling of the wind in his head, he liked to have some time to concentrate on the music blasting in his ears instead of concentrating on the road.

He smiled widely as he entered the studio.

He greeted Felix and Hyunjin, as he started stirring his body.

The room emanated in loud laughs and small talk, all the dancers talking to each other in a warm ambiance.

As they started reviewing every choreography, Minho put his mind into work mode. 

He concentrated, looking at the mirror to check his dancemates posture and moves, stopping from time to time to scold a few of them for not doing the moves correctly.

He loved his work so much. He loved being paid to literally execute his passion.

"Let's go drink something ?" Hyunjin asked, passing a towel on his forehead to wipe the excess of sweat

"Yeaahhhhh" Felix giggled happily

"I'll have to get home early, but yeah let's go" Minho responded, taking his backpack and following them outside.

As usual, they found themselves in the nearest bar, cackling at stupid jokes and stories until their cheeks hurt from smiling too much.

His drink empty, and his libido rising, he knew he had a booty call to intend, and decided to say goodbye to his colleagues.

"Hey" Minho smiled

"Hi" The guy responded shyly

Minho opened the door, before letting the boy enter his house first as the gentleman he is. Closing his door, he could feel the boy's hands already brushing over his shoulders, and he was more than happy.

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