Chapter 5

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When Jisung woke up with a groan, he needed a few seconds to realize where he was and who he was, as usual. He would sleep like a rock, in complete and deep slumber. No dreams, no nightmares, simply the nothingness.

Wiping his eyes, he sighed loudly as he checked his phone.

That Lee Minho was really being a pain in the ass.

Hi ! it's minho haha

yk you gave me your number

Han changed the name for 'idiot'

not nice

what do you want ?

let's text !

you'll end up understanding i'm no idiot !

- Seen

He threw his phone away, before unwillingly standing up.

He started his day with a cold shower, trying to wake him up, until he stared at himself for a minute in the mirror.

He pouted, his dark circles around his eyes weren't lessening, his skincare has been skipped a bit too much and his own body looked not so likeable in his eyes, with all the weight he had lost from running everywhere. He passed a hand through his hair, thinking that he really should cut a bit, but knowing he won't find time so soon for it. He sighed, just like every mornings.

He quickly made breakfast for two, before walking to his baby's room.

He walked to her bed, his hand softly caressing her hair as she stirred cutely.

He looked at her with a fond smile, always fascinated how she had the power to make him more brave. His day wasn't so shitty, in the end.

He picked her up, dressed her up and brought her to the kitchen, as they mindlessly ate breakfast.

He scrolled on his mails, before checking his bank account. He held back a groan, not wanting to fill Ava's mind with negativity, but he really got annoyed.

She still didn't send the money, and he was starting to get pissed. Like usual.

He still shrugged it off, he worked hard enough to pay for Ava and him, and talking about that, it was time to go to work.

Letting Ava at the kindergarten was always a hard task.

First, was her cute smile and waddle as she went to class, not minding that most of her classmates didn't really acknowleded her.

Second, was the glare and curious gazes of other parents. Who would openly judge him, or whisper to their partner behind his back. Annoying.

Work wasn't better.

He worked in a boring job, basically making papers all day long for some company he didn't give shit about. He had to work for hours long, listen to his stupid colleagues comments, and actually concentrate. Boring, but it paid well, and enough for him to make Ava live well.

"Doesn't she look like a goddess ? Dammit Jisung, you should wife her up !" One of his worst colleague said, pointing at some girl's ass.

"What she looks like isn't my matter, nor it should be yours. Let her be" Jisung boringly responded, tapping on his laptop.

"You have to find a mom for your kid, weirdo" He commented

"And I remembered having been clear enough with the fact that I would rather find her another dad" He rolled his eyes.

"Pretty sure you're just traumatized from your kid's mother, you'll find the good way someday" 

And Jisung simply sighed, the day was going to be long again.

Picking Ava up from school was slightly better. He would have a little talk with Changbin's sister, greet Hoon, before carrying Ava back to the car.

"Mr Han !" The teacher called, smiling.

"Yes ? Is there a problem ?" He asked

"No, none. Ava is cutest girl, but I was just wondering something, if you don't mind" She said

"Ava, go play for a bit ?" Jisung said, smiling at her as she waddled "Yes ?" He asked, turning to the teacher.

"It's just that ... I've seen you every mornings and evenings, and I was wondering... Um... Well, how do I say that ?" She chuckled embarassingly, grabbing a paper on her desk and showing it to Jisung "She drew this, and I felt a bit sad for her" She showed.

The drawing showed Jisung, or some representation Ava had of him, holding Ava's hand. On the other side, there was a shadow figure, colored in gray with a question mark beside it.

"Oh" Jisung winced "Yeah... Um... Ava's mother isn't... available... or present"

"Oh okay, I'm sorry to hear that" She symapthized "But I needed to know, so we won't prepare at schools things for mother's day" She smiled "You'll have two presents in the year !" 

"Thank you, it's nice of you" Jisung smiled, before calling Ava back.

He didn't know why he felt so sad hearing that, but he did.

He passed a hand through Ava's hair, who fell asleep watching TV on the couch. He hoped he gave her enough love. He hoped so hard she didn't feel so much the emptiness of a parent.

He pecked her forehead, before carrying her to bed, the child so asleep she didn't realize.

But when it was time for him to go to bed, he felt himself disappointed.

He wondered if he shouldn't ignore more Minho's message, or block his number, he still didn't know.

my birthday is the 25th :)

you're invited, if you want to

ofc there'll be all your (our) friends !!

you're persistant


until you agree on having a drink w me :)

and ava !!!! of course

or until i block you

damn, so hard to get

love it

- Seen

He opened his laptop, opening the lyrics sheet he had started months ago, and started thinking.

For less than hour in his day, he could sometimes save a few minutes for his hobby, or passion. But as he yawned six times in a row, and felt that he wasn't being creative at all, he let it be.

So he went to bed, frustrated and irritated. At himself, at the world, at everything and everyone.

And he fell asleep, a tear sliding down his cheek.

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