ARK 5 Part 29

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Ye Tao wasn't prepared to hear the conversation between Ye Ying and Ye Wei when he just went downstairs for a glass of water. Even more, to see another side of Ye Wei. She was not the reticent, honest, cute, and simple-minded little girl, but rather, the sharp and vicious girl, with a kind of cynical indignation, as if the whole world was her enemies

Ye Tao just discovered that Ye Wei and Ye Ying had never been on good terms. Her friendliness towards Ye Ying was a disguise. She had never liked Ye Ying nor had she ever accepted Ye Ying's existence. In her opinion, Ye Ying was a thief. The one who stole everything from her. She wanted Ye Ying out of the Ye family!

Everything that transpired in Chen Family was within her deliberate plan. She let him see it on purpose, she wanted his guilt and heartache.

And Ye Wei gained both. He really felt guilt and heartache for her.

He even blamed himself as a fool for being ignorant when he made the arbitrary decision to leave Ye Wei in the Chen Family.

Ye Tao immensely regretted that decision the instant he knew the Chen Family's situation. All he could think was how to make up for all the grievances Ye Wei had suffered over the past 18 years, and how to make up for what they owed her.

He was also glad that although the unrefined Chen Weiguo raised her, her nature did not develop badly.She endured hardships from a young age but still could grow to be a simple and honest little girl. ...

However, the Ye Wei he saw just now was cold and full of thorn. When she was discovered by him, she did not panic. Instead, she fearlessly gave him a disdainful look.

Is that,,, the real Ye Wei?

For a sliver of a moment, he thought that she was a stranger. No, maybe the real Ye Wei was truly a stranger to him, because he never tried to know the real her.

Ye Ying walked up to him and called out, "Gege, did you hear everything? I'm sorry, I don't want to fight with Jiejie either."

Ye Tao's mind was in turmoil. He shook his head, "Don't talk to me yet. Let me process it for a while."

Ye Ying nodded quietly.

She felt that Ye Tao must not be able to accept that the real Ye Wei was the exact opposite of the one he knew. Then, she listened to Ye Tao add, "This couldn't be right. I believe she is not the kind of person with a bad heart. She is not like that. It must be because Weiwei feel that you are hogging her things, that's why she dislikes you and fights with you, right?"

Ye Ying froze, "I have explained to Jiejie that I never want to hog anything from her, but, no matter how much I assured her, she didn't believe me."

Ye Tao: "... Is that so?"

Ye Ying nodded helplessly, "Hmm."

Ye Tao was silent for a while, "Actually, it's normal for Ye Wei to distrust you. She has only known you for a short time and she hasn't got time to fully understand you. That's why she doesn't trust you. It's not her fault."

Ye Ying stared at Ye Tao as he managed an effort to make excuses for Ye Wei. Her lips flattened into a straight line, "Maybe. But, Jiejie claimed that she intentionally used some means to make Gege and Zhang Yu pity her and care for her. Gege, you didn't do anything wrong to her, why would Jiejie do that?"

Ye Ying earnestly looked at Ye Tao, hoping that he would get the hint that the reason why Ye Wei did all that was to steal them away from her!

Ye Tao had a hard time believing that all he saw and experienced was Ye Wei's design in order to evoke his guilt! So that he could care about her and be distressed for her.....

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