ARK 3 Part 32

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Xue Zhao handed some photos to Mo Yuan and described, "Ye-xiaojie met Miao Shuya the next morning she stayed in Mo Yu's house. Miao Shuya fled with anger. Mo Yu didn't chase after her. I think Ye-xiaojie stopped him."

"Miao Shuya and Mo Yu also have a lot of contradictions at work because of this matter. They are tit-for-tat and do not give in to each other, hence there is no progress for the North project. Now everyone in the company knows that Miao Shuya and Mo Yu quarreled. Many versions have been circulated privately about the cause. The internal discord between the two people in charge also affected the work of their subordinates."

"These photos show the latest situation. Mo Yu chased after Miao Shuya all the way from the company to their community after he clocked off. When they were talking, Ye-xiaojie happened to pass by and Ye-xiaojie was furious. She stepped forward and questioned them, leaving Miao Shuya and Mo Yu without words. In the end, Ye-xiaojie went upstairs alone..."

Mo Yuan's calm expression fluctuated a little, "What did she say to them?"

He couldn't think of anything that could have made Ye Wei leave Miao Shuya and Mo Yu speechless. After all, the prior entanglement made it impossible for her to overturn her situation to her advantage. The only thing she could do now was to be a roadblock for Mo Yu and Miao Shuya.

Xue Zhao cleared his throat, "It appears that Miao Shuya and Mo Yu lectured Ye-xiaojie, saying that she was responsible for her own mistake of not trusting Mo Yu enough. Now, a similar situation has played out. Yet, Miao Shuya, who keeps prating about 'trust', doesn't trust Mo Yu at all. She misunderstood that Mo Yu rekindled his old relationship with Ye-xiaojie. Ye-xiaojie lost her temper because of it. Because, how could the outcome be like that?"

"Ye-xiaojie said, she originally reflected that maybe she was indeed the one at fault. She wanted to believe the 'trust' in Miao Shuya and Mo Yu's mouths. She didn't expect her two life mentors to go back on their own words. Turns out, they couldn't do what they said either! Is there any so-called trust in this world? She was so disappointed that she lost hope for this world."

"These were Ye-xiaojie words."

Mo Yuan,"......???"

Did he hear it wrong?

Mo Yuan began to doubt his ears.

Xue Zhao shed a bitter tear for Ye Wei. "Ye-xiaojie is pretty miserable. She took a hard pill and acknowledged that she was the one at fault, but she instantly got slapped in the face as soon as she turned her head... Ai..." It's hard to be a good person.

He saw Mo Yuan's cold glare and shut his mouth before he could finish his words.

Mo Yuan snorted coldly. Xue Zhao hung his head low, aware of how to behave in this delicate atmosphere.

On the other side, Miao Shuya didn't anticipate being questioned by Ye Wei about her anger at Mo Yu. If she knew she would encounter Ye Wei here, she wouldn't say anything......

But,, she was truly sad ah. She couldn't pretend when she faced Mo Yu. She prided herself to be calm. Nothing could make her gaffe, but, when it came to Mo Yu, she couldn't keep her composure.

Now Ye Wei questioned her face-to-face. Her face was red from shame, even her ears were red. She coudln't evoke any words in this embarrassing situation, and neither could Mo Yu.

At this time, where could they use the word 'trust' as rhetoric to say that Ye Wei was wrong before?

Ye Wei was utterly dejected, losing her hope. She shook her head and cast a last glance at Miao Shuya and Mo Yu before making her way upstairs, leaving them behind.

Miao Shuya averted her gaze from Ye Wei, she didn't have the courage to look at her eyes. What qualification did she have to lecture Ye Wei about things she should do when she couldn't even do it herself when she was faced with a similar situation? In the matter of love, who wasn't anxious, worrying about it lest they lose it? Who wouldn't be jealous? Some things couldn't be solved by 'trust' alone.

Even if Mo Yu told her that he didn't reconcile with Ye Wei and nothing really happened between him and Ye Wei, how could she remain calm? Ye Wei stayed at Mo Yu's house! It was enough to make her lose her mind!

Miao Shuya shut her eyes, unable to bear it.

Mo Yu was suffocated by the despair and disappointment in Ye Wei's eyes. Before, he did think that he was not the only person responsible for their breakup, Ye Wei had her own share of responsibility for that. As long as she trusted him a little bit, she wouldn't misunderstand him as a man who ate from his bowl but was still looking at the food in the pot. But now, it seemed that the 'trust' that he said was a farce, an excuse for his mistake.

His cheek was burning with pain, so much so that he felt that he had no face to see Ye Wei anymore and his feelings for Miao Shuya became peculiar.

He thought Miao Shuya was rational, calm, and refined, but he was not exactly right. She would also be angry and misunderstood things. She spoke righteously about trust to others, but she herself couldn't do it.......

Mo Yu let out a sigh and explained, "Shuya, something happened to Ye Wei. She has no place to stay for the time being so she stayed with me for these two days. You really misunderstood us about what happened yesterday morning."

Miao Shuya's eyes at Mo Yu were also somewhat complicated. He was smart and handsome. He attached great importance to feeling and righteousness, but, because he attached importance to those, he appeared indecisive in terms of emotion. "Is Ye Wei so poor she couldn't live alone? Or is the money on you not enough to book a hotel room for her? Why must she stay in your house?"

Mo Yu understood what she meant, but, "Ye Wei became like this because of me and I am responsible for it. I can't ignore her......"

Miao Shuya weakly tugged the corners of her mouth, "You are responsible? Didn't she become like this because of her choice?"

Mo Yu shook his head, "But the root cause is me. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have suffered those blame!"

Miao Shuya smiled with self-mockery. She was in the dark about Ye Wei being used by Mo Yuan. So, she felt that the "blame" Mo Yu referring to was about Ye Wei "suffering" because she answered his call and made Ye Wei angry to the point she broke up with Mo Yu, leading to her fleeing to Mo Yuan's arms. "It's not your fault, it's mine. I was too nosy. If I didn't answer your call, Ye Wei wouldn't break up with you. In a way, the root cause is me. It's my fault that I hurt Ye Wei, just blame it on me."

"Don't say that, there are some things you don't understand..." Mo Yu was quite helpless, but couldn't explain the reason.

Miao Shuya felt she was choked out of breath. She raised her head and inhaled, "Sorry, it's my bad."

Mo Yu tousled his hair. "I really thought you would trust me. At least ask me what's going on, not like this..."

Miao Shuya's face blanched. She recalled Ye Wei's words. She lowered her head to the side, "Sorry to disappoint you"

Mo Yu, "..." He really didn't know what to say at the moment.

Mo Yu, "Let's cool off our minds first."

Miao Shuya laughed deprecatingly at herself and herself, "As you say."

Mo Yu stared at Miao Shuya's back and irritably pushed his hair back with his hand. He didn't understand, how could things develop into what they are now?

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