ARK 2Part 11

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"What you said makes sense. I almost believed him..."Visit for extra chapters."Although Zhong Shen is a scumbag, he is handsome and powerful. It would be great if I were Shen Yingying. Say, how happy do you think Shen Yingying is to be liked by a person like Zhong Shen?"""...hey, wake up. Don't you already have a husband?"Zhong Shen has gone far. Naturally, he didn't know those people started gossiping about him right away after he left. No one believed him at all.He was in a bad mood and he couldn't help but drink two more sips of his wine. He exuded a cold aura all over. Even when someone tried to talk to him, he was very indifferent to them. His cold aura scared many people away.He didn't want to stay any longer. He came here just to give his old friend a face. Just when he was about to leave, Ye Wei came in with her two little followers. She wore a bright red dress.Because of her illness, Ye Wei not only loves to wear red very much but also wears exquisite makeup every time she goes out. As if she was compensating for her sickly complexion.Combined with the fact that she was already very beautiful without it, with a little dressing up, she became the brightest presence at the party.Zhong Shen retracted back his steps.Zhou Hai glanced at Zhong Shen, then at Ye Wei.Ye Wei hasn't noticed Zhong Shen yet. She has been lying at home for several days. She ate, drank, and played around every day. When she had nothing to do, she would run arounds her yard. At least, for the future her who would die for the Male lead, she needed to have a healthy physique. She shouldn't let her guard down. Wei Fengqiong was almost distressed to death because of it. It took great efforts[4] from her side to drag Ye Wei outside and let her relax.She was not done with Shen Yingying yet, but another person had come to block her way.That person was her former competitor, Zhang Kexin. She liked Zhong Shen as much as Ye Wei did. Later, Zhong Shen got engaged to Ye Wei. On the day of their engagement, Zhang Kexin was so angry that she ran away from home and went abroad directly. She hasn't appeared since then. She just came back two days ago... definitely because she had heard of the termination of Zhong Shen and Ye Wei's engagement and wanted to see Ye Wei's embarrassment.Zhang Kexin was also very beautiful. She was different from Ye Wei's gentle and gorgeous beauty. She was the kind of aggressive beauty. She was wearing a long black dress with big waves with flaming red lips. In her hand was a red wine glass. She walked towards Ye Wei with a haughty look that could be seen even from far.Zhang Kexin came here because she heard that Zhong Shen would come. It was unfortunate for her that the person she saw first was Ye Wei."Ye Wei, long time no see." She smiled. "I thought the next time I see you will be at Zhong Shen's wedding. Oh, wait. My bad. I can still see you later as a guest at Zhong Shen's wedding, right?"

Zhang Kexin and Ye Wei's animosity towards each other was not a secret. At present, when they were together in a place like this, people couldn't help but prickled their ears to listen to them.Ye Wei smiled back at Zhang Kexin, "Yes, how can Zhong Shen's wedding be without me? Watching him happy is my greatest happiness. Don't you also want Zhong Shen to be happy? "Zhang Kexin choked. She wanted to ridicule Ye Wei, but she got attacked instead, "How come I just noticed you are so magnanimous today?"Ye Wei shook her head and said seriously, "This is not being magnanimous This is love"Zhang Kexin and several little sisters present, "...."There were many onlookers listening to them. Zhang Kexin didn't want to give them a free show, "Let's go over there to have a chat."Ye Wei, "Mn?"Zhang Kexin whispered in her ear, "Are you really willing to let Zhong Shen get stolen by an unknown woman?"With that, she smirked and left first.So she wanted to make an alliance with Ye Wei. Ye Chen gave her a thumb up in her heart. She then followed Zhang Kexin. Her two little followers also followed her.They gathered near the window. Zhang Kexin opened her mouth, "Ye Wei, you are too stupid. How could you let someone steal Zhong Shen from under your nose? You can't even deal with a small fly like Shen Yingying. Is that all you can do?"Ye Wei sighed, "You won't understand."Zhang Kexin was stunned by Ye Wei's "Ignorant mortal like you won't know." She was angry, "How can I understand your stupidity? Are you really willing to give up just like this? Are you really going to terminate your engagement?""If I were you, I wouldn't let a small fly like Shen Yingying trampled me. If you listened to me, there was no way for someone that has no background like Shen Yingying could make any waves!""I lost to you once, but now I'm gonna lose again? To a Shen Yingying? A Shen Yingying who has nothing? I have done my research on her. Her look is ordinary, her talent is average, her temperament is boring. How can Zhong Shen even like her? Has he gone blind?""Ye Wei, you are Zhong Shen's legitimate fiancée. You can't give up, you can't back out after everything! Let's drive Shen Yingying away together! Ye Wei, with my help, you won't lose this time!"Zhang Kexin said this, Ye Wei's little follower also persuaded her, "Wei-jie[5], in fact, I think it would be a loss to give Zhong Shen to Shen Yingying. She, Shen Yingying, can't even compare with your toes. Why should she have Zhong Shen?"

"Yes, Shen Yingying, that Mistress who feels so righteous, is so laughable! We must not let scum like her run free!""For starter, how about I talk to the coffee shop's manager first and let the manager fire Shen Yingying?"Ideas to deal with Shen Yingying were thrown out one by one.Zhang Kexin nodded with satisfaction. It would be much more convenient for her to do things under Ye Wei's name. If she got caught, she could blame everything on Ye Wei, killing two birds with one stone. Both Shen Yingying and Ye Wei would get eliminated.The Zhong Shen standing outside the window, "......"He was just trying to find a quiet place to rest...His face was no good. He wanted to go in and tell Ye Wei there was nothing between him and Shen Yingying. He never thought of terminating their engagement. So, Ye Wei didn't need to worry about anything or do anything about it.He was ready to go in but his steps suddenly halted. He wanted to know what Ye Wei thought. Did she really want to terminate their engagement?She really didn't care about what happened between him and Shen Yingying anymore?Ye Wei's voice soon came, very sincere, "Thank you."Why did this 'thank you' sound weird? Ai, it didn't matter. Zhang Kexin waved her hand, "Don't get it wrong. Do you really think I'm helping you? I'm helping myself. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, for now, we are friends""Yes, Wei-jie, rest easy. We'll drive Shen Yingying away for you! Let her know there is a price for stealing someone's fiancé!"Zhong Shen didn't agree with their actions, but there was a warm surge in his heart because of it. He was somewhat pleased because this showed that Ye Wei still cared about him.He was celebrating too soon.At the next moment, he heard Ye Wei say, "Even though I am very grateful to all of you, I have figured out that if you love someone, you must fulfill him. You can't bind him with love. I've done a lot of bad things because of it. I was becoming less and less of myself. In the end, Zhong Shen didn't even believe what I say anymore. That's why I decided to rectify my wrongdoings and be a good person again! "Zhang Kexin, "......"Ye Wei, "I believe, one day, Zhong Shen will believe me once again. Believing that I really wanted to fulfill him and bless him a lifetime with Shen Yingying."Zhang Kexin, "......"Zhong Shen, "......"

Footnotes钟父 – zhōng fù. 父 – Father. 钟父 – Father Zhong.↵先生 – xiānshēng; Sir, Mr. A term for people with certain status, knowledge, and qualifications ↵为他人做嫁衣 – wéi tārén zuò jiàyī; Making wedding dress for others. An idiom. In this context, she had done everything for Zhong Shen, but Zhong Shen still chose Shen Yingying over her. It is from a poem titled "Poor Girl" by Qin Taoyu.↵九牛二虎 – jiǔniúèr hǔ; lit. Nine Bulls and Two Tigers. A metaphor for great strength.↵薇姐 – wēi jiě; Eldest Sister Wei, Big Sister Wei. 姐 is a term for a junior to call their senior(F), it isn't restricted to those with blood relation. A stranger can also be called 姐 as long as she is older than you. 姐 can be also used to show closeness. Using Ye Wei given name, Wei, instead of her family name, Ye, also show their closeness↵

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