Ark Part 20

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Before Ye Wei could graduate from Junior High School, to stop her from studying and make her work to earn money, Chen Weiguo ceased paying her tuition. At that time, Ye Wei cried and begged to let her go to school, but was beaten by Chen Weiguo. Grandma Chen couldn't stand it, but Chen Weiguo didn't listen to her. As last resort, Grandma Chen took Chen Weiguo's money and gave it to Ye Wei. She told Ye Wei to use it to pay for her tuition to continue her study.

When Chen Weiguo learned about it, he became furious and went to the school to demand the money back. Grandma Chen retorted, "I have planted so much on the land all year round by myself and there is no son to help me. Most of what you eat comes from the money you get from my land! What's wrong with me taking 2000 yuan? It's all my money! I didn't steal from you!"

Chen Weiguo was a sloth, and so was his wife. Most of their family fields were taken care of by Grandma Chen. After his father died, Chen Weiguo's mother was in charge of working on the land, so in a sense, Grandma Chen's words were the truth.

Chen Weiguo was mad. He told her to take that two thousand yuan as payment for her work and to leave their house. And from then on, they severed their relationship.

Grandma Chen was a firm person throughout her life. She had no qualms about taking the two thousand yuan and leaving that house for her old house.

Moreover, the two sides quarreled badly because of the land division. Chen Weiguo said that Grandma Chen was too old to do too much work, and it was a waste to give her too much land. But Grandma Chen refused to relent, saying that she could still work!

The matter made such a big noise that the whole village knew it.

Zhang Yu finally realized why Grandma Chen was enraged when Chen Weiguo said that he would help with the work.

It was a pity that two thousand yuan was far from enough, and Grandma Chen could only bring Ye Wei to work hard to accumulate money for Ye Wei's tuition. With the money saved over several years, she could finally pay Ye Wei's tuition and living expenses. She could finally let Ye Wei finish High School. However, not long ago, Grandma Chen was ill and a lot of money was spent. In a way or another, Ye Wei had to drop out of school.

And, during that time, the people from the Ye Family found her.

Ye Ying was flabbergasted, her gaze blank. She couldn't connect the violent, ignorant, and unfilial person in Jiang Fei's mouth with Chen Weiguo who was kind to her.

Even Zhang Yu and Ye Tao were struck silent.

Such a family... How could there be a family like that?

Ye Ying returned to the Chen Family with mixed feelings. Scrutinizing Chen Weiguo and his wife, the closeness that had just been established between them seemed to evaporate. She previously assumed that they were quite good because, in Ye Wei's speech, despite she hardly had anything to eat and wear, and even dropped out of school, wasn't it purely because the Chen Family was poor? They were so poor that they couldn't afford clothes and food, so it's understandable that they couldn't afford Ye Wei's tuition.

Ye Tao and Zhang Yu shared a similar sentiment with Ye Ying. They regarded Chen Weiguo and his wife as simple and good-natured people. How could they guess this seemingly harmless man could drive his own mother out of the house? Such unfilial action, how could they match it with the words 'simple' and 'good-natured'?

For a while, silence lurked among them. Neither of them could accept the news.

Sitting at the dinner table, even the atmosphere changed.

Tong Ke probed a few questions about what happened, but no one replied to her. Tong Ke glared at Ye Ying with envy. They ate the same rice and breathed the same air, but why was Ye Ying always the center of attention?

Only Jiang Fei acted the same. He treated Chen Weiguo and his wife the same as he did the day he arrived. Once he entered the house, he sat on the table with a wide grin and ate contentedly.

Zhang Yu glimpsed at Jiang Fei with a complicated face. Compared to Jiang Fei, at least, after he knew that Chen Weiguo was such a person, he did not have any appetite for this meal.

He glanced at the food on the table, it was sumptuous. Two meat dishes and one vegetable dish. He heard that the chicken soup was made from the chicken that Chen Weiguo had long raised. The soup was rich and thick. There were some mushrooms floating on the chicken soup, adding an appetizing fragrance.

Chen Weiguo's wife served him a bowl of chicken soup, and he drank a few mouthfuls of the soup. Although it was a bit greasy, the taste was undeniably good.

Ye Ying also felt a little uneasy. Chen Weiguo's wife kept picking up vegetables for Ye Ying, and picked up a big chicken leg for her, saying that she was so skinny that she should eat more. Ye Ying stared at the chicken leg in the bowl. She still couldn't fully believe Jiang Fei's words, perhaps his story wasn't the full story?

She really couldn't acknowledge that her own father was such a person. She resolved that she would ask Chen Weiguo about it privately later.

The same was true of Ye Tao. He didn't thoroughly read the investigation files of Ye Wei, nor did he hear about Grandma Chen stealing money to pay tuition fees for Ye Wei. Even Ye Wei didn't mention it to them, nor did she mention it in her speech "I'm Not Brave".

So when he heard it, apart from shock and disbelief, he was clueless about what to do.

While Tong Ke was the only one left in the dark, she still disliked everything and anything about this place. The houses in the countryside often raised poultry and she could see chickens that kept walking around the yard and no matter how the ground was swept, there would always be chicken poop! Tong Ke would go mad if this continues!

She extremely disliked it in her heart, but she was aware that she still needed to eat lest she starved. She ate what should be eaten, but her frown never loosen. She ate as if she was about to go to the execution ground.

"Eat ah, just eat it all, don't be polite." Chen Weiguo expressed with a smile all over his face.

Chen Weiguo's wife followed suit, "That's right, just treat here as your home."

Ye Ying couldn't deny that she was hungry. She ate a steamed bun and some congee for breakfast, if she stayed at the house, she wouldn't go hungry, but she did a lot of work at Grandma Chen's place and consumed a lot of energy, so she was a little bit hungry now. Regardless of her low appetite, the aroma was attractive and her stomach growled.

She ate a few mouthfuls of rice, and Ye Tao also swallowed a bowl of rice sullenly. He suddenly questioned, "Why didn't you let Ye Wei study?"

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