ARK 5 Part 24

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Ye Tao caught a common cold and he went to rest after he took his medicine. He was woken up later to eat a bowl of congee, and then he slept soundly all night

Initially, Ye Ying intended to take care of Ye Tao. She insisted on staying awake all night. Before long, Zhang Yu called her to rest, "We are here, don't worry, you can go to sleep. Ye Tao is sick, he will feel bad if you get sick too."

Ye Ying stubbornly refused.

She peered at Zhang Yu. These days, Ye Tao was not the only person tailing behind Ye Wei every day. Zhang Yu did so too. He would be running to offer help to Ye Wei. Clearly, he wasn't like this before.

She remembered clearly that Zhang Yu wasn't fond of Ye Wei before. In fact, he was the one that warned her of Ye Wei. But, why was that now his attitude towards Ye Wei changed drastically?

He didn't help Ye Wei out of politeness, but because he cared for her.

Zhang Yu acted just like her Gege did to Ye Wei.

Ye Ying snapped back to Ye Wei's words. She said, she would take back everything that should have belonged to her.

If that was indeed the case, she had succeeded.

Her Gege. Her friends. They all stood by her side......

She pursed her lips. It was inevitable she felt sad. She didn't want to lose any of them.

Jiang Fei had wrapped himself with a quilt, "Well, if you insist. Anyway, I'm out. Ye Wei said she will go to harvest millet tomorrow."

He anticipated it with great interest, but in the same way, he couldn't overcome his dread of the tiring work......

Zhang Yu, "Go, rest. Otherwise, you won't have any energy for tomorrow."

On the sideline, Tong Ke's words were dribbling with mockery, "Heh. Seems like a certain someone is vying for the opportunity to be lazy. Just say that you want to sleep during the day so you don't have to work tomorrow. How difficult is it just to be honest."

Ye Ying stood up for herself, "I am not searching for a reason to be lazy. I'm just worried about Gege."

Tong Ke oh'ed. "Your Gege has Zhang Yu to take care of him. What are you doing guarding your Gege this late in the men's room? If you stay here all night, how can Zhang Yu and Jiang Fei have a good sleep?"You are trying to pretend to be the Holy Mother again? As if I will give you a chance!

Ye Ying: "......"

Cornered by Tong Ke's reasoning, Ye Ying had to return to their room. Unfortunately, she tossed and turned, but she couldn't sleep. Her mind was constantly replaying the way Ye Wei glanced at her with disdain. That kind of Ye Wei instilled fear in her, or to be precise, instilled fear of losing everything she had.


Ye Tao's fever went down during the night. The next morning, he woke up on empty stomach. Sadly, unlike in the Ye Mansion, there were no snacks available, nor were there leftovers in the kitchen.

As Lady Luck would have it, Ye Wei got up earlier than usual. She prepared breakfast in an orderly manner. She lit up a fire and boiled a pot of sweet potato porridge. While at it, she kneaded the dough that was set last night and steamed it. Then, she grabbed pickled carrots from the pickle jar, cut it into shreds, and dressed it with some chili oil.

Ye Tao ate three steamed buns and finished two bowls of sweet potato porridge before his hunger satiated. After that, he wiped his mouth and collapsed on the bench to digest the food.

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