ARK 4 Part 15

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Cao Heng was dumbfounded when he heard Ye Wei was on a blind date!

Ye Wei saw Cao Heng's shocked face and doubtfully wondered, "Aren't I the one that is on a blind date? Why are you that shocked? Is there any problem?"

You on a blind date is a big problem on its own!

Cao Heng nearly shouted. As far as he knew, after that day, Xu Chi tried to search for Ye Wei several times and attempted to have a chat with her, but Ye Wei firmly refused. He thought it was because Ye Wei was angry and hadn't forgiven Xu Chi's actions. She was still in the painful phase of being cheated and didn't wish to face Xu Chi. How could he guess Ye Wei would come out for a blind date in a blink of eyes?

How could there be such a sudden event?

Don't tell him... This is Ye Wei's defense mechanism after she is injured by Xu Chi???

Cao Heng was anxious, "Ye Wei, don't be impulsive. How about you think about this again? Besides, you haven't graduated from college, have you? Don't you think it's too early to date now?"

"I said, don't worry. I'll think about it carefully. After all, this is my life-long event, and it can't be hasty. And it's not too early now. In terms of time, my graduation is already in front of my eyes. Don't you think that I have considered it carefully?"


Cao Heng was stunned on the spot. His anxiousness peaked. "Ye Wei, if you don't want to go on a blind date, I can pretend to be your boyfriend and help you drive Zhao Qi away. Don't worry, with me, no one can force you!"

Ye Wei blinked her eyes at him again, "No, I don't want to, and no one forced me. Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it. Although I had an unfortunate relationship, I won't be afraid of love. I believe there are people who really like me in this world."

Cao Heng: "......"

The distress and remorse in his heart were unmeasurable. Ye Wei spoke earnestly and lightly, as if she had put everything behind. Still, in such a short time, who could put their feelings down so fast? Cao Heng could understand her thoughts. Besides, Ye Wei really loved Xu Chi. When Xu Chi was hospitalized because of his stomach problem, Ye Wei was so nervous and worried that she was about to cry. She got up early every day to cook porridge and soup for Xu Chi and stared at Xu Chi every day to ensure he ate. That's how Xu Chi's stomach was nourished a little bit.

In addition, Xu Chi had been living like a robot before he met Ye Wei. Because of Ye Wei, he slowly changed back to his former appearance.

She treated Xu Chi with sincerity, but it turned out that everything was a lie. How could she feel nothing? How could she put it down easily? There was no way her words is true.

Her action was indicating that she gave up on herself!

Cao Heng was not only anxious now, he was dying of anxiety!

He took deep breaths several times and told himself to be calm. He took out his 100% ability to coax women to be happy, "Ye Wei, this matter, we can discuss it another time. You are a student now, you should go to school with peace of mind. If there is something else, it's not too late to think about it when you graduate. Besides, this is the first time you and Zhao Qi met. You don't know what kind of person he is. What if he is a bad person?"

Ye Wei considered it carefully and said affirmatively, "What you said is right. I can't judge a book by its cover. After all, I've been with A'Chi for half a year and I still don't know the real him."

Cao Heng: "......"

Cao Heng immediately saved himself, "Yes. There is a saying that people only know other people's faces but not their hearts. Xu Chi is a good-looking person, who could have guessed his mind is so vicious? He is really too much, he is simply a scum among scum, and a disgrace among men!" Sorry, A'Chi, I can only sacrifice you at this critical moment.

Ye Wei's ponytail bounced as she shook her head, "Cao Heng-ge, don't say bad things about A'Chi like that. I don't think he did it on purpose. He just followed his heart and there is nothing to be sorry about that. Why did you blame him for that?"

Cao Heng looked at Ye Wei, and increasingly felt that Xu Chi was not worthy to be called a human. Clearly, it was Xu Chi who did something wrong but Ye Wei didn't scold him or hate him, instead, she tried to understand Xu Chi. "Xu Chi did this to you because he was too selfish. You don't need to help him speak. Wrong is wrong. This is not something that can be denied by understanding him."

Ye Wei smiled, "Cao Heng-ge, thank you, but really, don't worry about me. I won't punish myself for others' mistakes. That would be really stupid. So, rest assured, I won't do such things."

......The more she spoke, the more worried Cao Heng was.

Ye Wei then issued an eviction order, "That's all, then. You can go first, Zhao Qi should come out soon. "

In the end, Cao Heng could only reluctantly leave. Still, he didn't go far. His table was a few steps away from Ye Wei. He constantly watched Ye Wei's movements as his hands clicked the familiar number. He called Xu Chi and covered his mouth with his hand, asking in a whisper, "A'Chi, have you talked to Ye Wei yet? Do you know what I saw? I saw Ye Wei was hurt so much by you that she forced herself on a blind date!"

Xu Chi was stunned, "Blind date?"

"Yes, blind date! I saw it with my own eyes. Ye Wei looks so sad and I can't persuade her! She must have not forgotten what you did! She can only listen to the arrangement of her family to go on a blind date. She must be in a hopeless state!"

Xu Chi frowned. His mood sank involuntarily, "What's going on, speak clearly."

"What else do I need to say? You come here and take a look."

After hanging up, Xu Chi rushed from the company.

When he arrived, he encountered Ye Wei and Zhao Qi chatting and laughing happily. The man was gentle and handsome, and the woman was pretty and lovely, like they were made for each other.

He couldn't hear what Zhao Qi said, he could only see Ye Wei covering her lips and giggling with her eyes curved into crescents.

How happy she was, he could see it with naked eyes.

Cao Heng tugged at him, "Look! Ye Wei is so sad!"

Xu Chi: "......"

Low IQ Supporting Female, Waiting for Death OnlineWhere stories live. Discover now