ARK 4 Part 4

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Xu Chi was in a daze all night. His stomach ached faintly. When they got home, Ye Wei made him some ginger soup and a bowl of porridge. He drank some and lay down for a while. Eventually, he felt much better.

He looked at Ye Wei, who was whole-heartedly looking at him with a worried expression in front of him, and comforted, "Don't worry, I'm fine. "

Ye Wei pursed her lips, "Where is it alright? It must be pretty uncomfortable. I won't let you drink again next time. I don't accept any objection on this matter."

For some reason, Xu Chi perceived a twinge of pain in his heart. He tugged Ye Wei into his embrace. He hugged her tightly and said, "I'm sorry. "

Ye Wei smiled and patted him on the shoulder. She said with a loving expression on her face, "What are you sorry for? If you don't want me to worry, drink less wine. The Doctor says your stomach is not good and you should treat it well. Yet you won't listen and can't be persuaded..."

Xu Chi's muffled voice replied, "I know..."

Ye Wei said, "if you know, you should do it. Next time, don't drink so much again. You keep drinking and smoking, do you want to die painfully? If you do this again, I won't care about you anymore."

Xu Chi hummed, "I really know."

Ye Wei sighed helplessly.

Xu Chi smiled slightly from her care.

His mind was back to a time from long ago.

His bad stomach wasn't caused by an irregular diet, but by his excessive drinking when Liang Ruowei went abroad.

He had been with Liang Ruowei since he was a child. He could be considered her little follower. Wherever she was, he followed. He had given her all his feelings since he was a child. As soon as she left, his world was empty. He couldn't accept such a gap, so he got used to numbing himself with alcohol.

Later, he was caught by his grandpa. His grandpa was furious that he banned him from drinking ever again. He didn't want his grandpa to worry, so he gradually changed his habit. However, the harm had been done by that time. Since then, his stomach would ache if he was not careful with his diet.

Way later, he was together with Ye Wei. Ye Wei cared about him and his health, in an extent, his bad stomach. She tried her best to cook all kinds of soup for him and supervised him to have breakfast every day. She was as gentle as a spring breeze, giving him an extremely comfortable feeling. But, every time he saw her, he always thought of Liang Ruowei.

Liang Ruowei had a Young Miss' temper. She was resolute, self-centered, willful, and proud, like a dazzling rose. As long as she set her mind on something, no one or thing could change her. For example, her insistence on going abroad.

He didn't want her to leave, but Liang Ruowei still chose to leave. She tried to persuade him to give in and accompany her abroad. 'They would come back soon,' and 'It would only take a few years,' she said.

"Then what about my grandpa?"

"Oh, please. Now that technology is so advanced. If you miss your grandpa, let's just come back and visit him? Vice versa, if your grandpa misses you, he can come to see you too. It's not like you won't be able to see each other anymore."

"No, that won't do. Grandpa is already old. His body can't stand long-distance travel. Besides, he is the only relative I have around me. I can't leave him. I can't bear to only visit him once or twice a month."

"A'Chi, when you grow up, you have to learn to be independent. Grandpa Xu is in good health. There are people around that will take care of him. He will be fine. Even if there is something wrong, Grandpa Xu can get the best treatment as soon as possible. Why can't you just try to live your own life..." Liang Ruowei felt that Xu Chi was too stubborn. Wasn't it just going abroad? It was not a parting of life and death. If he really loved her so much, why wouldn't he go with her?

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