"Here, first hold the bow and place the arrow" he said keeping his hand on her hand which made her nervous.

"Aim at your prey" he said and positioned her hand towards the forest.

"When the prey comes shoot immediately" he said and waited for the prey when suddenly a yellow masculine tiger jumped from one bush from the one side, which alerted Yuhaan's gaze. He immediately let the arrow fly and it hit the tiger quickly. The tiger flew to the one end and it died in few seconds.

"You learnt quite quickly" he said and asked his men to bring the tiger to the palace.

Daarika looked at the bow in her hands.

"What will he say, when he come to know that I knew how to shoot with a bow and arrow" a smile crept on her lips.

|In the palace|
|Yuhaan's chamber|

Daarika entered Yuhaan's chamber secretly. Her hands went to the table near by and she was checking for something there.

"Where will it be?"she thought and her eyes fell on a small compartment below the table.

Her hand touched it and then there was a special code to crack.

ما هو الشيء الذي له جذور لا يراها أحد، وهو أطول من الأشجار، ويرتفع، ويرتفع، ومع ذلك لا ينمو أبدًا؟
ma hu alshay' aladhi lah judhur la yaraha 'ahada, wahu 'atwal min al'ashjari, wayartafieu, wayartafieu, wamae dhalik la yanmu abdan؟

"What the hell is written here?" She looked at the coding.

"It looks like a question in Arabic language, it's better if I just note it down"

Daarika took a small piece of paper and noted the arabic language.

"I am sure that the seal in in this" she thought and went from his room.

Daarika went back to her chamber and looked for aruhi.

"Aruhi!!!!" She called her and Aruhi came towards her.

"Can you translate it to me?" Daarika asked her.

"Yes, give me that" she said and Daarika gave the paper in which she have noted the code.

"What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees, Up, up it goes, And yet never grows?” aruhi said

"It looks like a question begum" aruhi said

What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees, Up, up it goes, And yet never grows?.........." Daarika thinks about it

"An mountain?" She thought.

|In Hind|

An couple was looking towards the beautiful moonlight while she leans towards her husband and he hugged her tightly. One would always think them as lovers.

"Do you have any feelings for my sister Daarika, Krish?" Sarika asked leaning towards her husband

Krish hugged her tightly and said

"I never developed any feelings for her from the first and how can I have feelings for any other woman when I am in love you with since my childhood, Sarika?" Krish replied which made Sarika satisfied with his reply.

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