You've Made Me See - Scaramouche

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All of a sudden I can no longer breathe. My hands slightly shaking and the crowd's voices drown out. My mouth seems to get dry and I sweat. I turn to find a close exit, finding the balcony behind me. I rush out, thanking I was in the back of the crowd. Despite the storm ragging on I leave the room. I put my hands through my hair trying to get a grip when all of a sudden he comes out. My heart drops but it almost sobers up the anxiety. I could never in a million years believe I'd look pathetic in front of him. I rest my hands on the railing, trying to calm my breathing. He stands next to me taking a slight glance over to me.

The rain is completely drenching him. The thunder growing closer. This is one of the worst nights I've had in a long time and somehow I dragged him into this. I know he can see my tears I refuse to acknowledge keep coming. I know he knows it's not the rain. Lightning suddenly strikes. He gently grips my hand, giving it a slight squeeze. He hates lightning yet I've managed to bring him to look straight at it. My eyes shift to his face though his gaze isn't upon me. He seems rather neutral despite the storm. The thunder claps loudly, he takes a quick look to me as if to check up on me. My gaze is quick to shift away and before I can deny anything he gently tugs my arm. I know what he's asking for so I turn to look to him once more. "I'm having us stand in a storm." He sighs, pulling me in.

"I would withstand any sort of weather if it meant I knew you were okay." He is completely drenched yet still warm. I bury myself into his arm in which he squeezes me tightly. "I can still feel your tears.. they're warm." He has a slight tinge of teasing in his voice. He's known for a long time I dislike having people see me cry so before I try to pull away he holds me firm. "Ah ah.." He buries his face into the top of my hair. "I won't let you go yet. Not until this storm lets up." It's clear what he references isn't the actual storm. "I don't understand why you let that guy treat you the way he does." He doesn't say anything after, not wanting to antagonize me.

With every small movement that brings me closer it's hard to understand why I ever let such a thing go on. He's always been the one to say the right thing to me. I keep dragging him behind me yet even now I can feel how much he truly cares for me, as if it's only grown with every passing moment. As if he'd never let me go. Perhaps if I asked he truly wouldn't. "Don't.."

"Shh." His firm grip doesn't loosen even slightly, his hands beginning to grip onto my clothes. "As if I'd ever..."

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