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Once we're back home nobody speaks. Shinobu stands next to him like a loyal guard dog. "How long Itto?" I don't dare look at him as I try to busy myself.

"What are you-" I hear a small smack and some quick whispers. "Since the beginning of Senior year." He's kept this from me for 6 years? A gang leader.. Why? How did he manage to hide this?? I try making lunch but everything just falls apart in my shaking hands. My lip quivering. Have I really been so oblivious? Almost married a gang leader. I look down at the ring. I slide it off and pocket it.

"I'm going to my office." I rush away, not wanting to let him see the tears in my eyes. I open up my law book, because just as I said, I'm going to help. Why would he practically throw away his life? In jail for the rest of his life, could I live with that? Seeing him behind bars, not getting to touch him when I want. Run to him, talk to him, or even just complain to him. The mornings he'd wake me up by a small kiss to the forehead. It's all gone, just in the blink of an eye. Even if he manages to evade the charges, could I ever truly trust him? I feel like all those 8 years have gone down the drain. The same thoughts can't stop going through my head. I slap both of my cheeks and start flipping through the pages. It'll be more of he said she said.. I need proof he wasn't there. Definitive proof.. Times, dates, alibis. I'd be the best bet at an alibi, but it's unlikely the jury will believe me. I need proof we were doing whatever it was we were. I walk out of my office with a notebook and a pen. I see him and Shinobu are arguing in a whisper. "Shinobu." Her attention immediately turns to me.

"Yes?" Did they know about me while I didn't even have a clue about them? What was it she called me? Superior?

"The drug bust and shooting. I need dates, times, and possible people who did it. Besides Itto of course." She smiles at me.

"I was thinking the same thing. Well the drug bust.. I'm sure it was February 14th around 5 o'clock." That makes that one easy. "We all started to clean up around 4:45 but they came earlier than expected so we left in a rush. Itto wasn't there of course, but as long as they don't know who was actually there it's fine. Yanfei did see me, but I have a feeling she won't throw me under the bus." She takes a moment to think and I quickly start to write down the information. We were at the restaurant early 5 o'clock, and before we were getting ready together.

"Where was the building of the drug bust?" I interrupt her thoughts, but she answers quickly without missing a beat.

"Across town, the abandoned buildings." With the timing, it would be impossible to place him there. I write down the restaurant's phone number real quick to call later. "As for the shooting.." She takes a moment to answer, as if she knows he's guilty. "They have motive on Itto, even so he wasn't there. However, I shot him." She hangs her head. "The agent was plowing through our men so I did what I had to. No one saw, but it was quick and painless. I don't regret a thing." I guess it's just business as usual for them.

"What day was that? What time.." She takes a long and hard pause.

"Hu Tao.. declared dead at 4:02, shot at 3:46. June 1st of last year, Yanfei and Tao's anniversary. She wasn't meant to be there, the rest of the men all knew it would end badly if either of them were hurt in any way. Yanfei is just seeking revenge now." June 1st is Itto's birthday. We spent the whole day out and about. He really wasn't there when all of that went down, but he is the one who set it all up.

"Do they have proof, as far as you know, that Itto is the one behind all this?" She shakes her head.

"They only caught wind of the gang once one of the guys turned on us. Explaining everything to the police, who got the FBI involved. He exaggerated more or less. Considering he hid this from you for so long despite having lived with him for the past 4 years, he was able to do the same with the authorizes. He tried to keep all of this low profile, he makes a good profit. It's how he-" I raise a hand to stop her from talking. She's trying to advocate for him now, but I want to hear it from him.

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