Pantalone Pt6

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I will not, I repeat, I will not make anymore Pantalone parts, pt4 was the ending I planned and it is the "actual" ending ig. If you want another, pay

His behavior wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but Nadia hasn't come by again. I suppose she quit trying, or perhaps Pantalone got rid of her in his own way. I get up out of bed with a wince, some bruises lining my arm.

I head downstairs where he's making breakfast. "Hey.." He smiles at me warmly.

"Hey, how are you~?" I walk over and into his arms, his hands caressing my lower back.

"I'm good, just tired."

"Mm yeah?" His fingers press into my back. "Did I tire you last night? Or perhaps too rough?" Much too rough, his marks lined my body after every time.

"It's fine." I hold him tighter. "You have work soon don't you? Don't let me keep you." He nods, serving me breakfast and leaving. Only for 5 minutes to pass, where I hear knocking at the door. I open it, thinking it's him having forgotten something. It's Nadia, with letters upon letters in her hands.

I read them one by one, my fear coming true. He is still using me. The reason I stayed was because there was a slight chance it wasn't true. That he did love me, that it wasn't his fault. I look up at Nadia who grabs the letters and leaves. Now what am I supposed to do? To think? What's left for me? Going back in fear or going back to him. That filthy filthy liar.

There he stood in the doorway, having returned home. I don't get up and hug him like usually, I drink my tea and pretend I didn't notice him. He comes over, looking down at me worriedly. Get that stupid fucking look off of your face. I just look away, no longer sure of what to say or do to him. He starts to laugh. "What's wrong now dear?" He sits next to me. "Did I not give you enough kisses? Or perhaps that means you'd like more.." His hands start to trail down my body, but I quickly push him away.

"Don't fucking touch me you prick." My walls were back up all the way, like the first days we had met. His eyes widen, a look of shock and confusion staining his face. The muscles on his face trying desperately to stay calm and collected, but it doesn't work. He grabs my neck tightly, the force of being shoved against the arm of the couch ridding me of any air I had that could've saved me.

"You're not the one in control, remember who you're talking to." His face turned into a smirk, his face almost appearing to inhumane from the way his eyes pierced through me. His tight grip only forced itself around me more as I tried to speak. I could only let out hoarse noises, his nails drawing blood. "There's no point in keeping something useless around." His other hand coming to my forehead, squeezing the sides. "Sleep now."

Boom you're dead.
Someone wanted revenge tho so here's that

He grabs my neck tightly, the force of being shoved against the arm of the couch ridding me of any air I had that could've saved me. I grab the lamp next to the couch, smashing it as hard as I can at his head. The adrenaline helping more than I could say. He lets go briefly, letting me run. Run free, I watched as he glared at me. Mouthing words. "I'll find you." But just as all the others, they'll be empty.


Even as I look out at Snezhnaya's scenery I'm not scared. I look much different than then, escaping that two faced bastard again and again. I could swear I could see him smirking as I escape his grasp every time. I melt some of the frozen pond, to wash off my hands. The smell of that fucking cologne in the air nearby. I hide up a tree quickly, looking down at him. "Missed once more.." He laughs heartily, looking down at the water freezing over. "You sure are the one that got away, aren't you? You're not the weak bitch I captured at first... but I'll break you all over again." I can hear him huff as his enraged stomps in snow follow.

╭──︒✿ཾ∘∗✽ᜒࠬ. ──╮
Artist @ alva.ric on Instagram
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