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Your POV

I hear a lovely melody coming from the music room as I get lost trying to find the bathroom. I take a peek inside, seeing the non talkative guy from my chemistry class. His almost choppy locks move above his shoulders as his hands glide across the keys. As the door creaks he makes a mistake, his head immediately whipping around, even so I hastily moved out of his line of sight. "Who's there?" I could hear the bench creak and booked it to the bathroom. I sigh as I calm down from the sudden rush of adrenaline.

By the time class ends I head back to the music room, hoping to hear him play during lunch. However as I quietly open the door there's no one around. I sit at the piano, playing his keys by ear, even the key he messed up. Coincidentally enough, the door creaks as you play the mistepped key. You turn to find him looking at you with a cold gaze. You get up with an apologetic look, he takes a seat no second later. He plays the song from the beginning, a beautiful melody you hadn't ever heard before. He looks back up at you before taking his leave without so much as a word. He had played for you, just you. Why had he done it? Out of courtesy? Perhaps because he heard you play by ear? You hastily sit down and begin to practice, your fingers rather stiff.

Everyday for the next week you couldn't help but visit the music room, but he did not return. Maybe he had only come by just that once, but as that Wednesday would have it the piano wasn't there anymore. You ask around, the piano in the auditorium for a performance later that day. Afterschool you can't help but sneak in, sitting on the bench once more. You play to the best of your ability, the creak of a floorboard behind you. You whip your head around, the choppy locked boy staring at you with his stoic expression from last time. "You've been practicing my song?" He sits next to you. "It's meant to be a duet, but not many can keep up. Would you like to give it a try?" He offers kindly, but his expression says otherwise.

Though you haven't been able to get him out of your head since that day, so you give him a slight nod. He sets his fingers up and you follow suit, the two of you very easily playing in sync. As he plays he has a small smile almost, the smile easily fading as the two of you stop playing. "Will you teach me how to play properly?" He's evidently surprised by the request, his eyes slightly widened and his mouth to some extent ajar. His gaze shifts back to the keys before he gets up.

He turns his back to you, abruptly walking to leave. "I work better alone and I don't go around wasting my talents on someone who isn't serious in learning. You play rather sloppy."

For the next few weeks you practice both sides of the duet, arguably able to play both if your fingers are nimble enough. Something he must've planned out himself. He must've written this piece. You had no idea why you asked him to teach you, maybe because you liked that smile on his face. You wanted to see it again for some odd reason.

It wasn't for another 3 months that you'd see him, playing the keys so beautifully when you entered that room. You sit down next to him, slightly surprising him with a hint of amusement. You begin to play the duet part for him, his fingers dancing on the keyboard much faster to see if you could keep up. Much to his dismay you did. By the end of it his stoic look is back, but he has an open stance. "I agree to teach you, why don't we start with the flexibility of your fingers." He grabs your hand, gently pushing them back and spreads your digits. "Make sure you keep them nimble, a pianist's hands are their prized possession. Come by tomorrow after school, I'll be waiting."

For the next few months you and Xiao had become considerably closer, playing the beautiful instrument in that music room. Just the two of you. As you come into the room a little later than usual, as you choose to grab the two of your drinks, you see him smiling as he talks to another. He grabs their hand, guiding them across the keys. You watch for the next couple minutes, which seem to last for an hour before you get sick of and run off. You text him that won't be coming due to something coming up. He leaves you on read as usual. Since it's the weekend you gather your thoughts.

"Jealous?" You ask yourself before scoffing. It's not that you liked him, but if you didn't why did your heart squeeze? Why did your hand clench his drink just slightly harder, why did your eyes seem to burn until you had gotten far enough? You take a deep breath, calming yourself down.

I've enjoyed our piano lessons, thank you, but unfortunately I will not be continuing them. You text him, the message soon read to be left on delivery. No good ever comes out of crushes, you've learned from past stupidity.

The end of the year comes before you know it, the music room a sweet temptation. You hadn't just fallen for him, but for music as well. How your fingers itched to get back on those keys. You slip into the room, playing even as the sun begins to set. You couldn't stop, until the door swung open. You turn to see the person from before. They size you up before smirking. "You sounded like crap." They comment, shoving you to the side. They play flawlessly, no doubt thanks to Xiao. "No wonder he dropped you." They laugh, making you sigh. You grab your stuff and hurry out the door, bumping into someone's chest. You stumble back for a moment, your hand hastily grabbed.

You open your eyes to see Xiao, his eyes widened. You interrupt him before he can get a word out. "I'm sorry." Your voice cracks, making you hurry past him. You go into the bathroom to splash some water on your face, taking a few more deep breaths. Nothing happened, calm down. It was nothing. Get yourself together.

Not long after you leave feeling more collected, Xiao waiting by the front entrance. As you turn to find another exit, he calls out to you. "(Y/N), let me walk you home. It's rather late now, is it not?" You turn back to face him and nod. "Let's go before it gets darker then." You turn and nod at him.

The walk to your home is rather awkward, so you decide to speak up first. "How's piano practice going?" He shrugs, which is not really much of an answer.

He sighs, stopping in his tracks. "Why would you want me to bore you with something you quit?" He asks, his voice seemingly cold. "I just wish you had given me some sort of reason. I did something, didn't I? I thought," his voice cracks, "we were becoming friends." He was more upset than he had shown.

You put your head on his chest, tired of having pushed away your feelings for having thought he had felt nothing for you. "I really just assumed you felt nothing for me, that it wouldn't matter if I severed my connection with you. After all, you had no problem teaching the other person who came to the music room.." He gently pats your head.

"As if anyone could hold a candle to you, you proved yourself worthy to me. There's no other person I'd rather teach."

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Artist @ aoma_xzxx on Twitter
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