♚ ɪᴛs ᴏɴʟʏ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ♚ -1-

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Modern AU -

Day 1
And you are?

As I sat in class I listened to the professor ramble about his new love fling, always on Mondays. I yawn, going to my unassigned assigned seat. However, unlike most days Amber can't be here today. I'm gonna be stuck in the boring class without being able to talk to anyone. The thought makes me want to groan. Just a little before the bell rings someone dares to come a little too close that I look over. My eyes widen as I see how handsome he is, but hurriedly I look away. My ears having a slight blush. Half way through the lecture he taps my shoulder. "Hey.. do you have a charger? My phone is dying." I nod, handing him my charger. Once it's time for independent study I put in my earbuds, slightly bopping my head.

It's not until half way through lunch, when I'm looking through my bag, I realize I never took back my charger. "Fuck." I mutter, realizing I'm never going to see it again. I just bought it too. I sigh, eating the rest of my lunch ready to yell at the next inconvenience. I look at the time, groaning as I pack up my stuff. I throw away a few wrappers and look up just in time to see him. I rush over to the doors of the building, looking down the halls he might've gone. I see him about to head into a classroom, stopping briefly to talk to someone. I hurry after him, calling out. "Hey! Charger thief!" With wide eyes he turns to me, to which I then lean on the wall out of breath. "Just.. hah.. one second please." I put my hand on my chest almost heaving.

"Hey you ok?" I nod, opening my mouth to get out the words.

"Charger.. now." He puts his hands up, seeing my desperation before digging into his pockets and handing back. I see he's tied it up to keep it from tangling. "Just leave it next time, jeez." He shrugs, heading into his class. I walk to my next class, almost late putting me in a worse mood. I undo the thing wrapping my charger and see a piece of paper fall out. I unfold the paper, my eyes widening as I read it. His number..? My face flushes as I look down at it. I shove it into my pocket, looking back up to focus.

By the end of the day I get back to my dorm, sighing as I look down at the piece of paper. Should I text him? I hesitantly take out the piece of paper, putting in the number, promptly texting hello. Staring at the send button I can feel my nerves screaming at me not to, but I look away to press send. I set my phone done upside down and start on my homework, ignoring my phone. After a few minutes however, I'm curious. I flip it over and see I have a text message. I unlock my phone, a hello back.



Uh, so you gave me your number? 😅

Yeah, you're really cute.

Cute? I wouldn't say that.

When a guy like me calls you cute,
you take the compliment.
Don't think you're all that, just because
you think you're somebody

Excuse me?

They said you were bad news, but I'll
play this game.

What game? Who said that?

Wouldn't you like to know, sweetheart?


I huff, extremely annoyed. What a jerk. I finish up my homework before heading into the shower. I lay in bed, having calmed down from the situation.

Day 2

The next day Amber can't be here today either, and most unfortunately he sits next to me again. I scoot away from him, not wanting to play this game he's talking about. He looks over at me slightly confused. "Hey, what's wrong? You still mad about the charger? I was going to give it back, I swear." I roll my eyes, looking down at my computer as the teacher starts his lecture. I'm quick at typing, my fingers flying across the keys as he talks. More towards the end, he gives out a partner assignment. The charger thief looking at me sheepishly. I only glare, opening up a new tab for the assignment. "It was a simple mistake," his hands taps the side of my computer, "I gave it back didn't I?" I sigh, not understanding why he's acting like he didn't text me last night.

"Either way I have a partner, she's just not here today. Go ask someone else." Begrudgingly he gets up, walking over to someone else. I decide to text Amber.

You ever coming to class again?
Did you get it sorted?

I'm going to have to drop it, sry
Money expenses, and it was just
meant for fun in the first place

It's fine then, I'll teach you all
about it then.


I watch as he comes back, sighing. Looking over at me pleadingly. "Fine.." His face brightens up, quickly opening his drive.

"Mind sharing the document you opened?"


"Ah.. it's Kaeya." I nod, sharing it, for the rest of class working on it. Once the end of class comes I'm quick to pack up, not wanting to spend more time with him than I have to. "I didn't know I was so bad jeez. Why don't we grab some coffee, or perhaps let me treat you to lunch?"

"I bring my own lunch and coffee, thanks but no." I get up, glaring down at him. "Just make sure you do your part of the assignment, I am not afraid of throwing boys like you under the bus." His eyes widen, but before he can say any more I leave.

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Artist @ kiky_1661 on Instagram
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