☀️ ᴀ ʟᴏsᴛ ʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴛ ☀️ Pt1

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"Marry me?" Shinobu gives you, what you guess, is a cheeky smile under her mask. "We're still not out of high school, Shinobu."

"He went to his grandmothers to," she begins to air quote, "ask her permission for something personal! When I asked him what he did that thing he rubs his neck and laughs before running away. There's no-" Putting a hand in front of her face you give her a tender smile but shrug your shoulders.

"Itto is a little.. foolish, but he's not stupid enough to do that." Your phone begins to ring and you take it out of your pocket to read the name. "Speak of the devil, he's calling me."

"Are you free at um.. 7..? You are aren't you? I want to take you to dinner, I saved up some money for us. It's all on me, dress nicely- or I mean if you're free." He stutters and murmurs all over himself, easily able to read.

"Yes of course, I'll be ready." After hanging up Shinobu gives you a curious look. Your face droops with a sigh. "...He asked me to dinner."


Itto knocks on the door and you hesitantly open it. He's holding a bouquet of flowers, hurriedly presenting them to you. "You look perfect, sunshine." He rubs his neck, blushing profusely. "My sunshine.." Taking the flowers your nerves turn into butterflies in your stomach.

"Thanks." He grabs your hand, leading you to the car. "I-Is there something I should know before we get there?" You question, eyeing him as you enter the car. He shakes his head, getting in quickly.

"Nothing at all, just date night." He gives you his goofy smile, slightly easing you. Yet the thought of a proposal made you nervous.

Upon arriving at the restaurant makes you nervous, it's rather high ended. "...You can afford this?" You look at him with a worried face, his hand falling over to yours.

"I want tonight to be special, I want you to know I can take care of you." You hold back a gulp while a blush creeps onto your face.

"I know you can, I don't need a fancy restaurant Itto." He presses a small kiss to your forehead.

"It's what I want to give to you, now come on. I made a reservation." Nodding you both get out of the car and soon enough you're sat by one of the windows. It's a crisp summer night, only a few days away from graduation. You can see couples hand in hand walking down the street and across it a groups of friends laughing. The waiter comes interrupting your train of thought.

"What would the two of you like to drink tonight?" He answers with lemonade for the both of us, taking the menus from the waiter. Looking over the menu only fosters your nerves, your hands beginning to get clammy. Picking the cheapest pasta dish you put down the menu, looking to Itto still reading his over. After a minute or so he puts it down, his toothy grin plastered on his face.

The end of the night approaches, your dessert having arrived. As you put a fork in it Itto begins rummaging around his inner jacket pocket. You take a bite of your pastry, gulping it down. "Itto wait.. I can't marry you." His eyes widen, his hand having stopped mid motion, the box was already out in the open. However it was long and not very wide.

"Marry me?" His face turned a bright pink, his hand holding out the box as he barely manages to look at you. "No, that's not this was.."

Taking the box you open it up to a beautiful golden locket, one you had seen his grandmother wear each time you went over. "Itto it's beautiful.. it's just that Shinobu said you were getting permission, I just assumed."

"I don't want promise rings for us, this is our promise." He grabbed your hand gently, giving it a slight squeeze. "As long you have my grandmother's locket, we'll work towards our marriage. I do want to marry you, but of course we're not ready for that.." He laughs sheepishly, your eyes welling up with tears of happiness. He lets go of your hands and wipes away a few stray tears. "Don't cry, sunshine. Finish your dessert alright? I love you."


Summer break came along, and everyday you saw less and less of Itto. Less calls, texts, dates. Busy he'd tell you. Each time you couldn't help but gently squeeze the locket, knowing he promised. He promised.. Didn't he? Mid-August Itto stopped returning calls and texts, your last date was early June. His birthday.

After an unfortunate series of events bankruptcy hit, your parents were about to lose the house. It had been 2 years since you had seen him, and even through attempts from his grandma there was nothing.

You made your way to a pawn shop, taking off the locket. Sliding it into your pocket you brought the box of valuables you had left and presented it on the counter. Unfortunately it came out to much less than expected and in a moment of weakness your hand put the locket onto the counter. The price he gave you was immeasurable. Hesitantly you sold it and the other valuable items.

Eventually the house was saved, but at what cost?

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Artist @ viria94 on Instagram
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