🍃 ᴇxᴄᴏʀᴄɪsᴛ 🍃

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"You're leaving Fontaine?" Lyney questions, though he never pegged you as the type to stay in one place for long.

You nod to his question, packing up your machinery. "I have been offered a great deal of job proposals due to my fame here. I expressed interest in Liyue because of the spirits.. It's all so mystical. Interesting....I want to explore. Technology is my life, from making basic bots to floating gadgets it's all amazing, but there's still so much out there."

After having left Fontaine, your next stop was Wangshu Inn, for a cleansing job from an abundance of negatively charged enemies. As the darkness fell upon you, you sigh, not wanting to encounter anything you didn't have to. However, it wasn't long before you heard groans in the tall grass. Was someone hurt..? You make your way to them, but it looks like a sort of beast. Horns protruding from it, large green wings coming from its back, but the rest of it seemed human like. Could this be one of the mythical beings you heard about? As you think one of the radars in your bag goes off, negative energy. Did it fight off the beasts you were meant to? A simple exorcism won't do then. Their wounds seem rather severe as well.

You unpack one of your gadgets, before putting it on the strangerer. "Can you hear me..? You're going to be ok, just hold still for a moment." Your gadget runs a scan over him, a small twitch coming from his fingers as the bot makes a small melody. It soon projects where he's wounded, the parts highlighted on his body. "I promise this won't hurt, just don't move." You ignite a flame above your hand, soon running the small flame above his wounded areas. Your miniature bot alerting in a tune that you're healing is working, but also that his heart rate is steadying once your bot chimes. "Stop your chiming." His heart rate begins to increase. "You're rather interesting... Fleur," you begin to command your bot, "my digital keyboard please."

You begin to play a soft melody, his body calming, and before you know it his wings retract and the mask on his face falls. "Who... are you..?" Are the only words he speaks before he passes out. You pick him up without much trouble and take him into the inn. The innkeeper is surprised, but leads you to an empty room without asking a question.

You lay him on the bed gently, the innkeeper introducing herself soon after. "I'm Verr, thank you for taking care of our resident Yaksha, Xiao." A small flutter of excitement hits your heart at the word Yaksha. So that was the supernatural being he was.

"Would you mind telling me more..?" She shakes her head with an awkward smile. "That's fine, I should finish healing him anyways." She nods, closing the door behind her. "Fleur, what's the patient's current condition?"

By morning he was gone, the only thing left in the room was a butterfly made of leaves. It's rather cute, but it doesn't seem to hold a sort of purpose, except perhaps as a thank you. You go out to the balcony, taking in a deep breath of the clear air. "Liyue sure is beautiful." You murmur to yourself, looking out at the view. "Xiao." His name comes out in a honeyed tone, you couldn't help but admire him in a way.

"Is there something you need?" A rough voice speaks behind you, sounding somewhat familiar. You turn around to see the Yaksha you healed. Had he come at the mention of his name? "I owe you a great deal for what you did for me, I give you my thanks. Even so, I have a request for you. Please indulge me, allow me to hear the melody you played." It was an odd request, but you had no reason to deny him.

You take fleur off your hat, taking her out of her ornamental pose. "Fleur, digital keyboard please." His eyes slightly widened at the contraption. You play the same melody, Xiao softly humming it himself. "Did you enjoy that? I really was just glad to help." His mouth opens as though he was about to say something, but he decides on something else.

"You saved my life, that's all you need to know. If I can help with something in the future, don't be afraid to call my name." You're quick to stop him before he leaves.

"Yes, there is something now however! I'd like to be taught the history of Liyue's supernatural beings. You've lived long as a Yaksha haven't you?" His expression grows sullen, his fists clenching for a moment.

"Why would a mortal need to be taught about such things?" He sounds slightly bitter, almost angry, but his stoic expression does not waver.

"Curiosity. I have made a great deal of gadgets, but that's not all I want from life. I want to learn so much more. Please grant me this one wish?"

Over the next few weeks, when he's not busy, which isn't very often, he'll tell you of the Yakshas and adepti. Though began bringing him almond tofu, turning it more into mealtime if anything. You enjoyed hearing his voice tell you of all the history he remembered, even the worst parts of it.

"You've lived so long, Xiao. You're.. rather admirable to have upheld your duty. I am rather glad I was the one to save you." You gently grab his hand with a soft smile. "But.. that's all you know?" You question him, wanting to continue talking to him. You, practically desperate, were ready to make up any sort of excuse to get him to stay with you for a few minutes longer. He is a rather interesting individual.

He smiles for a split second, his cheeks seemingly blushing. "You saved my life. Telling you mere stories is not anything worthy of payment." He grabs your hand, gently squeezing it. "I've said it before, if you need anything call my name. I'll be waiting for the next time we can share a meal like this one."

╭──︒✿ཾ∘∗✽ᜒࠬ. ──╮Artist @ bibujojo on Twitter
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