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Kaeya is falling out of love with you, but someone else has had their eye on you for a while.

I wave a goodbye to Diluc, who heads into the temporary room he's renting out from Kaeya. Kaeya himself walks in soon after, not paying me much mind. "Well, hello to you too. Im guessing it been a long day hasn't it?" He nods, sighing as he sits next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah it has.." He takes a sip of his coffee. I look down and remember the one donut shop we used to frequently visit, having little donut dates in the car.

"You know what would make me feel better? Getting donuts from our favorite place this weekend." He grumbles, setting down his coffee.

"I'm not driving across town for some stupid donuts." My eyes widen, and even more so when he gets up and leaves to our room. I sigh heavily, not understanding whats been going on with him. I decide to go outside to the backyard, sitting down on our patio swing. Instead of trying to fix things I've been avoiding the tension, hoping things would get better or that he would talk to me. Nothing in the past two years have changed, maybe he's just bored of me. I sigh, leaning my head back.

Later that night Kaeya comes home from wherever he went out. I don't ask as I've learned it only made things worse. Once he slips into bed I try to snuggle into him, but pulls back slightly. I stifle a sigh and don't try further. I've tried to be patient, but there was only so much I have left in me.

My night is restless, too busy thinking about what I should do about Kaeya, about us. When I wake up it's little later than usual. With a groan I get up and head to the kitchen, the donuts sitting there. I look at Kaeya who seems to be taking off his coat and smile at him. I pick up the warm coffee and start to drink it. "Mm.. just as I remembered." He glances away, I cant help but sigh. I suppose hes trying at the very least "Well, thank you Kaeya." He gives me a confused look, so I drop it. "Kaeya can you sit down for a moment?" He shrugs, sitting next to me.

"Was there something you needed? Or were you just going to offer me a donut? Could you really not wait until the weekend?" I take another sip of my coffee.

"I want to talk about us, Kaeya."

An hour passes of talking that turned into yelling, leaving me in tears. Kaeya ended up leaving half way through, allowing me to go cry in our cold, empty, loveless bedroom. Even if he didn't say it outright, he's tired of me. In the middle of my pathetic sobs I hear a knock at door. I can't help but hope it's Kaeya wanting to apologize, with a hopeful look but I find Diluc. I hide my face, puffy from crying. "Hey.. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you guys got pretty loud." I can hear him approach, sitting on the bed. He strokes my hair gently, almost hesitantly. Even pulling away for a moment once he hears me cry louder. I cry it all out while he comforts me, by the end feeling utterly embarrassed. "I'm sure he'll come around.. did you enjoy the donuts at least?" I shrug.

"He seemed confused about them.. he bought the damn things.. stupid.." I sigh, my breath quivering.

"Ah, yes.. yes he bought them." I'd look at him confused if this wasn't embarrassed enough.

By the end of the year we broke up, leaving me on Amber's couch. I can see she's growing somewhat restless at how long I've been staying. She's even asked if I've found a good place to stay a couple of times. I guess I need to find another couch. I look through my contacts realizing how badly the breakup had on my other relationships. Ignoring them, making excuses, letting them down. Maybe I should start with reconnecting before I become a leech. As I'm contemplating who to try to talk to first I get a text message from Diluc.

Amber told Jean she was worried about you. Jean ended up saying something about it while talking to me, are you alright?

I stare at the message, while I could jump at the chance it'd be like taking advantage.

I'm fine, thanks.

He leaves me on seen, so while I think nothing about it he calls me no less than a minute later.

"I need to hear it from you, are you really alright? It's been 6 months (Y/N), I will help you if you need it." I can't help but stay silent, biting my tongue and regretting picking up the phone.

"I said I was fine Diluc, you shouldn't worry so much." I can hear him breathe out deeply, and I can just see the image of him pinching the bridge of his nose like he always did.

"Amber doesn't want you staying much longer does she? I have a guest bedroom, just come over whenever. It's always open." He hangs up before I can deny it. I can't help but think it over, it was good timing after all. Once Amber comes home from work, she finds her apartment cleaned and dinner on the table. It causes her to be more than a little surprised.

"Are you finally feeling better? I'm glad you're getting out of your rut, I've been worried about you." She smiles warmly, placing her hand on my shoulder.

By the end of the week I had starting helping Amber out more, the guilt of being a leech getting to me. However, as I peek at Amber looking at her bills I can hear her sigh. I can't keep doing this. I walk out from my hiding spot, mustering up a smile for her. "I found a place stay." Her face lights up, mostly in what seems to be relief.

"That's great!" I can't help but feel even worse having seen how badly the whole situation was affecting her.

I get out of her hair that next morning, packing my things and going to Diluc's home. Before long I had arrived at Diluc's place, knocking on the door nervously. He answers, yawning. Looking as business casual as always. "So you're taking my offer," he steps aside, "come in. I'm sure you'll make yourself at home."

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