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As he gazes upon your weak body and saw you heave, he knows it is time. He approaches, sitting on the stool next to your bed. He gives you a weak smile. Taking your hand and placing a small kiss, tears begin to fall from his cheeks. However, when he speaks his voice is clear and unwavering. He had been preparing for this moment when he decided to love you. He looked no older than the day you met him, but as you take your last breaths you've aged years and years. "The beauty in your eyes are still there, not glistening with the hope from those years ago but sadness. So please, just for me (Y/N), show me your smile one last time." You give him a soft smile, squeezing his hand weakly. "I have no regrets in meeting you, my love. Once the hour comes upon us where you depart, you will be the bright the light on the days the sun no longer shines. I shall savor my memories of you for my eons to come." It sounded all too familiar, but your aged memory couldn't remember why anymore. As you took your last breath Zhongli didn't let go of your hand for a moment, instead he cried. It was as gentle as a drizzle, his breathing steady. Just tears, knowing he'd never truly hear your voice anymore, truly see you again, nor ever feel your warmth again. All of his pains came rushing back, he risked the pain of your departure for a couple years of glee. Glee that won't leave him with joy anymore. As people say, remember the good times and be happy they happened. Happiness is temporary, he can only be reminded time and time again before he's at his limit. What then? With no one to stop him from his own destruction, what will he become?

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Artist @ 707_kuroyuki on Instagram
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