❄️ ᴏᴜʀ ᴘɪᴄɴɪᴄ ❄️

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You bring Liyue cuisine, and even make some Inazuma and Mondstat dishes, for Shenhe to try!

I carry my picnic basket filled with all my goodies and head over to the agreed spot. I know Shenhe will most likely already be there, she usually goes to our meet ups early. I heard she was willing to try some new dishes, so I decided to try my best to make a few dishes from Mondstat and Inazuma too. Otherwise I took some suggestions from those in Liyue. It was a lot of work, but seeing Shenhe look happy makes me smile too. Once I get there I see she's sitting on a blanket, just big enough for the two of us and the picnic basket. I sit down next to her and she smiles. "I know you said you wanted it to be a surprise, so now that the time has come what is it." I didn't really tell her, just that it'd be a surprise picnic.

"I'm a little surprised you didn't guess. The first time you got in trouble was when some guys gave you trouble. For thinking you had mora after buying a lot of meals, I understand you might like to stick with your current diet but it would be nice to try something new. I brought a few favorites from the people in Liyue. I even managed to get my hands on Mondstat and Inazuma recipes." She gives me a small soft smile.

"I appreciate your effort." I take out to glasses and fill it with some apple cider. "Shall we start with Liyue dishes?" I nod and pull out those first.

"Braised meat, almond tofu, and cornbread buns! I went around to the places you did go to make I didn't make anything you already tried." She takes a toothpick and pierces the meat.

"You made all of this? By yourself?" She's quite surprised. She puts it in her mouth and starts to melt. "While I shouldn't get accustomed to Liyue cuisine, this dish is delicious." I smile widely at her. She takes the small plate of almond tofu and eats a small piece. She closes her eyes for a moment and sets down the plate. "Quite interesting.."

"Interesting how?" She doesn't seem to really like the dish, but if she liked all of these that would be a bigger surprise.

"The texture.. the dish itself isn't bad but its texture brings something new." She picks up a piece of cornbread and smiles as she eats.

"How is it?" She takes another one.

"They're great, I shouldn't indulge but I shouldn't let the food go to waste." If she can help it she'll eat herbs or something with little to no spice. I wasn't sure if she'd like such a spice filled dish.

"Inazuma or Mondstat now?" She takes a moment to think.

"I'd like to save Inazuma for last, they will most likely have the most different dishes. Mondstat is rather close and with trade and such.." She trails off, but I was actually interested. "Mondstat." She clears her throat.

"Haha, its fine." I pull out three fruity skewers on a plate, a small container of goulash, and some hash browns.

She eyes the goulash but looks between that and the hash browns. Instead she takes the skewers. I watch her face and her serious face turns into a small smile, its almost hard to see. "I'm sure you're a great cook (Y/N). All of these have been good so far." She picks up a hash brown taking a small bite. "Fairly good, I'm a little amazed of how warm and fresh the food is." I smile slightly.

"I made sure to heat some of it up before I left. Otherwise its fresh off the stove." Seeing her smile like this is so heart warming.

"The view is beautiful from this spot as well." She picked the spot, but I haven't been able to stop staring at her.

"Yeah.. yeah it is." She looks back at the goulash and takes a few bites. She looks the most pleased with this one.

"Oh gosh, I knew I'd love this one." She sets it down a bit reluctantly. "I can't wait to see what you have for Inazuma."

"Well, my person favorite, katsu sandwiches." I set down the plate, two sandwiches, of course I had to make one for myself. "A drink, dango milk. Apparently its new and its become very popular. Importing it was... a pain to say the least. Lastly Sakura shrimp crackers!" She takes a shrimp cracker first. Her face slightly contorting.

"Not my favorite, but I appreciate the effort." She picks up the dango milk, most likely to wash it down. She grabs a sandwich carefully and takes a small bite. She almost melts over it. "I can see why its your favorite." She looks over the spread with a smile. "Thank you so much, today was a great experience."

"Maybe we could travel someday, taste Sumeru's local dishes." She gives me a surprised look.

"Travel? Together..?" She starts to hold back a large smile, but it's peeks through.

"Yeah." I give her a soft smile. I'd like that very much.

"Sure." She sounds extremely excited, she can adorable sometimes.

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Artist @ mihan.art on Instagram
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