I'm Alone There - Xiao

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I could hear a voice yelling after me in the empty morning hall, the break of dawn pouring through the window. Of course it was not by choice to come to school so early, but it was a club requirement for this years production. Each play was more fictional than the last, but my own thoughts of it held no importance. I'm always the understudy after all. I turned around to find Hu Tao waving at me while running full speed in the hall. Of course that didn't matter as there was practically no one else here. "Look at how full of life you are! Must've been worth those few minutes of sleep considering we're a tad bit late." She chuckles to which I roll my eyes. She holds onto the strap of her bag now walking beside me. "Hmm... I'm not entirely sure if this is true, but," for whatever reason she looks around before leaning in to whisper, "but we may of had someone else join the drama club." I raise my brows out of doubt. We're in our second semester, all club applications, including the drama club, aren't accepting anyone. Even transfers.

Despite our lateness I stop in my tracks. We're rather close to the room, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. "That's ridiculous. What got that idea into your head? You know Mona and Layla are the biggest rumor spreaders, though I doubt they'd say anything about us.." Us referring to the drama club. We fly under the radar until we're out giving posters to teachers to hang in their classes or put them on the bulletin boards. Hu Tao always gets her gossip and rumors from them, but they always prove unreliable.

Hu Tao, noticing how close we are to the room is quick to put a finger over my mouth. I suppose I wasn't making the best effort to keep quiet. She leans in whispering once more. "No.. I heard it from Mr. Zhongli himself. Talking over the phone about reagrangments and adding one more.. but unless the transfer is an actor straight from Hollywood I doubt he gets any major part.. How unfortunate you're still just an understudy." She sighs and leans back before heading to the classroom. While she may of meant no harm with her comment it sure as hell still hurt.

I walk in and sure enough its just the regular crew. Though I can't help but wonder what Hu heard. I sit down towards the front next to her shooting her a small glare for her unfounded claim once more. Mr. Zhongli sighs, tapping his papers on the desk. "Now.. since most of us are now here we can get this meeting started." Most? Everyone is here however. It is only after I finish that thought that someone busts through the door. He slightly pants, a slight bead of sweat falling down his chin. From the dawn's soft orange glow he looks rather beautiful. My eyes widen upon the realization that this was the one from the earlier rumor. My gaze shifts away when Hu elbows me with a snicker, a sort of 'I told you so' expression on her remaining after her laugh.

He turns towards the class giving a slight bow of apology before taking a place next to Mr. Zhongli. "My apologies, I have not meant to arrive late. I assure you it won't happen again." Mr. Zhongli doesn't seem upset as he had with me and Hu, giving him a soft reassuring smile. He shakes his head before turning his head back to the rest of us.

Zhongli gingerly settles his hand on the young man's back giving us the same smile. "Please welcome, Xiao, a student transferring today. He has made prior arrangements to join the drama club. You may take an open seat." Xiao walks down the aisle to my rights his gaze lingering on my face for a short while before he takes a seat behind me. My heart beat slightly quickened, some sort of familiarity washing over me.

Mr. Zhongli soon passes out the scripts, of course my eyes land upon the lead role as always. Of course for the past 3 years someone else always outshines me. My heart threatens my brain to look back at Xiao, to catch one more glimpse of him. I can not discern where my sudden infatuation for him came from, nor can I stop myself from wondering if he'd be able to snag a lead role. After a small read over of ACT I I look back towards Mr. Zhongli. He is always sure to explain where the idea for this play came from. Sure enough his amber eyes look towards us once more soon enough, having a sharp look this time around. "Now then my dear students. This play has come from a recent article I read over the summer. Upon looking through its history it was nothing more than a few letters and historical statues that backed up the story. They adapted it into a book, more fictional than anything but it was quite a beautiful story. The book became popular this past May, and was written by a well known author. Rex Lapis." He pulls out the book, having a few pages marked. "I've ordered enough copies for those who will be in the play and will be assigned to read the chapters I've personally marked. For now however, let me summarize."

Through a senseless and cold war, death tolls started hitting millions. Whether soldiers or civilians, bodies filled the land. Lovers lost one another, but through thick and thin there were two who could not bare to part. They'd fight alongside one another to watch out for one another. They lived to see the calm after the storm, the war seemingly ceasing as relations between the nations steadying. Later that night he took her to Qingyun Peak. He had discovered that her favorite flower, a qingxin, grew despite all the destruction below. They sat upon the mountain, her hand grazing the fragile flower. He grabbed her left hand, placing a ring on her finger before kissing the knuckle. Inscribed on the inside of the band was his initial and a small phrase, X - At the peak of midnight. She inquired what it meant. He poured out his heart to her, that in short he was nothing without her. The ring was a promise of his love and loyalty, that'd after all of it was over he'd take her to see the qingxins again. Despite it being the dead of night one of the sides attacked. Thousands more died that night. That she hurried to her feet, her people.. Of course he followed and once the other side's troupes had dwindled he went to find her. It was too late. He hurried her to his god. Begging, his face strewn with tears, to save his beloved other half. His god said he could not bring someone back who was gone. He touched the woman's chest to feel her slowing heartbeat. With his power he bestowed her soul a curse. "You won't see her tonight nor for many moons, but she will come back to you if your love proves to be as strong as your case pleaded." With that his god was quick to leave, returning to the war he had ensued.

Dozens of hands went up in the classroom, eyes filled with curiosity and doubt, but all I could do was fidget with the ring on my hand. I had a weight on my chest that seemed to sit further as he continued his story. I feel as though I'm going to be sick.


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