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Y'all really want to be hurt huh? Someone requested, a while ago so sorry, to do a continuation of what would've happened if Zhongli had still left the letter

3rd Person

"Your present! You haven't opened it! I forgot.. sorry." He just grabbed the present and opened it. The hair piece he had been eyeing for a while. It was rather expensive, and he knew he wouldn't be able to afford it for quite a while. He stepped closer to you and your heartbeat started speeding up. He hugged you, contemplating on whether or not he should take the letter. It's for the best. He thought.

"Thank you (Y/N). Have a good night." The night was still young and you were gonna try to get him to stay, but he interrupted you. "You've taken up too much of my time already." He checked his watch sighing.

"Oh.. goodbye Zhongli!" He quickly walked out, but he was lying. Tears filled the brim of his eyes.

Your POV

I looked down at the letter. What was it that he couldn't tell me in person? That.. he loves me? My face heats up, and my heart starts beating faster at the thought of it. I sit down and trace a heart over the envelope. Please let it be a love letter.. please tell me he was just too shy to tell me in person! I carefully opened the unsealed envelope.

"Dear (Y/N),

I know this might be rather unexpected after the night we had, but I wish to never see you again. You've grown rather clingy and through my efforts you seem to have stayed despite them. You annoy me greatly and I don't wish to hurt you, but this is how it must be. If you ever see me just avoid me and don't attempt to patch things up. There's nothing you did wrong, I simply dislike you.

Sincerely, Zhongli"

What.. He dislikes me? My heart shattered into two and before I knew it tears started to rapidly fall onto the letter. I put my head down onto the table and started sobbing. I really thought.. he could like me? Am I stupid or what? Thoughts like those continued to run through my mind making me sob even harder. My breathing hitched and at some point I ran out of tears. When I look up I saw the picture of us. His smile over the flowers, the only time he smiled. Besides the day he saved me. I should've stopped the moment I realized he thought I was annoying.


What's down there? I pondered as I leaned over to see. Suddenly the ground slipped from right under me and I barely caught onto a branch. It wasn't going to hold for much longer than a minute. "HELP!!" This is what I get for trying to be an adventurer. "SOMEBODY PLEASE!" Is this really how I'm going to die? My hands started slipping from the branch, either way I'm going to fall. I heard the branch crack followed the sound of someone talking. "HELP!!!" I looked up towards the branch, it was practically in two.

"Grab onto my hand." Without hesitation I grabbed it, supporting my body with my other hand resting against the branch that then promptly snapped. The sudden weight change pulled him towards me. We're both going to fall! He planted his heels into the ground and pulled me up with a great force. I landed on top of the man, shaking. His face was pained while he rubbed the back of his head. The moment he opened his eyes it relaxed me though. His beautiful golden eyes. We both stared at each other, and it wasn't until someone rudely coughed that I realized what I was doing. I hopped off him with a sheepish smile. Some stupid red head was standing behind him. He had a curious and mischievous smile planted on his lips. I held out my hand to man, still on the ground, and he promptly took it. He gave me a gentle smile that melted my heart.


It wasn't long after that day that he started being distant with me. Avoiding me, ignoring me, and all the go aways. I can't really say I understand why. That smile he had always seemed so genuine.. filled with love. Maybe it was all in my head? I look back at the photo. That same stupid smile. Anger bubbled up inside me, even though I really had no one else to blame, causing me to hurl the whole thing at the wall. The frame broke into pieces and glass flung into the air. A small piece cutting my cheek, but I took no notice of it. The once glowing frame had stopped. Why would he give me that stupid picture!? To remind me of how badly I fucked up!? I stomped onto the already broken glass. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!?!" My breath quivered and once again the few tears I could muster up fell out. I grabbed the picture out of broken glass and the frame to tear it. Suddenly, I heard someone knocking at the door. The shallow, slow, and quiet knock I could recognize anywhere. It was Zhongli. I slowly turned my head to the door and the mix of feelings had me on a high. My footsteps were loud as I approached, I was ready to yell, to scream, to fight, anything to get him to go or stay. I opened the door taking a deep breath in, but no one was there. Was I imagining it? I looked around, only to find the box I gave him. My eyes widened. It all hurt too much. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor scraping my knees slightly. I opened the box hoping the present wasn't inside. "No no no no no.." There it was. The beautiful hair piece. Shakily, I stood up. "I... I HATE YOU, YOU HEAR ME!? TAKE BACK YOUR STUPID PHOTO!" Breathing heavily, I threw the damned hair piece. I shut the door harshly and go to my room. My eyelids feeling heavy. I changed out of my fancy apparel and left it by the door. I'm going to throw it out in the morning.

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