🧋 ɪʟʟ? 🧋

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Ayato takes care of you while your sick!

Waking up I having a massive headache. I see Ayato laying beside me and I start to play with his hair slightly. He grabs my hand and peers up at me. "You're a tad bit red. Are you feeling alright, or perhaps I caught you off guard?" He teasingly sings out. He sits up letting go of my wrist.

"Just a headache." He puts his head towards mine and I can't help but smile. "Lets just lie down for little." He pulls away a small worried face looking at me. "What?"

"You're burning up, did you overwork yourself?" I shake my head. He takes a long look at me before getting out of bed and leaving.

"Where are you going!" I call after him, but he doesn't reply. Eventually Thoma comes in with honey tea.

"My Lord told me to bring this for you. I hope you feel better soon my liege. I'll be back with some cold towels, ok?" I nod with a sigh. I told Thoma to stop calling me that too! So where did Ayato go? I blow on the tea and take a sip. It's sourly sweet, its almost good. I suppose it would be good for my throat if I had been coughing. I just have a fever, I bet he is out buying flowers for me or something. I just wanted to stay with him. Eventually Ayato does return. He brought my favorite fast food! I eye the food with hunger. I take off the cold towel and sit up. He brings over a small breakfast in bed table. He sets the food out for us and sits across from me on the bed.

"Thank you!" I start to eat, grinning from ear to ear. He takes off his gloves, setting them to the side.

"Anything for you." He slightly smiles at me and starts to eat. By the end of the meal Thoma comes in and cleans up.

"Ayato... Even though Thoma is the housecleaner...." I decide not to continue. "You know what, never mind. Anyways, do you have anything you have to finish today?" Ayato takes a moment to think before shaking his head. "Then will you stay in bed with me?" He smiles softly.

"Of course I will." He undresses his many layers and slides into bed with me. He pulls me closer to him and I quickly snuggle into him. I breathe in his smell, the comfort it brings washes a large wave of relaxation over me.

"I love you." I try and get closer to him but its as close as I can get. Everything about him, I can never get enough. I grab his shirt lightly trying to hold onto him. "I never want you to leave." All he can probably hear are incoherent mumbles. He kisses the top of my head lightly. I push myself away from him and look into his eyes. His blue eyes reminding me of cloudy grey skies when the sky slightly peaks through. I could look at him all day and never get tired of it. Even though we're together its like the feeling of having a crush on him never went away. At most of his touches I blush, at his flirty words I get flustered, and when he cares for me so lovingly I just want to be entangled with him. I can't imagine myself without him, but I can't see how we've ended up together. He starts to plant kisses all over my face, my cheeks flushing a bright pink. I bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"I wanna lay here with you all day." He whispers in my ear. He puts a hand behind my head and starts to stroke it. "I can't stand being away from you.. If only you had an idea of my thoughts of you. How I can never stand you being with other people. I want to keep you all to myself." I can hear him smile. Entangling myself into Ayato I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up later, a cold temperature has settled in the room. With Ayato gone. I'm wrapped up in blankets and a cold towel on my head. I take off the towel and get up. My headache has subsided thank the archons. I take a look around and see Thoma cooking with Ayato trying to help. "My Lord please!" Ayato adds something into the pot. "My lieges don't like your cooking!" I sneak up on Ayato, putting a hand on his back.

"Are you bothering Thoma again?" He turns with a sly smile. He kisses my forehead and pushes some hair out of my face.

"Hmm... perhaps. You should still be I'm bed resting however. Me and Thoma were making some soup for dinner, wait in bed I'll bring it." I shake my head and hold his hands.

"I'm feeling a lot better now." He feels my forehead for a moment and sighs in relief. "I'm sure it was nothing in the first place." I glance over at Thoma, a small smile at his face. I would bet its because Ayato is trying to mess up the food, or help as he would say.

Ayato places his hand on my head smiling softly. "Alright then, go ahead and get Ayaka. Its almost time to eat." I go to Ayaka's room and knock.

"Dinner is ready!" She opens the door quickly and smiles at me.

"Are you feeling better? I heard from Ayato that you weren't feeling well." I nod.

"Yeah, you know how he can be. I was fine really." She pats my shoulder a bit and we walk over to the dinner table. Ayato sits next to me and we all talk over the dinner.

"Did.. Ayato mess with the food?" I giggle with her and Thoma, Ayato having a slight pout. Once I'm back in our room Ayato comes in and snuggles me.

"Are you sure you're feeling better?" He kisses the top of my head.

"If I get sick its because you decided to try and help with the food." I bury my head in his chest as he laughs heartily.

"Well if you ever feel unwell again, tell me right away." I mumble an ok. He starts to rub my back and kisses my head a few more times before I end up falling asleep.

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Artist @ _kiyukyuu_ on Instagram
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