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Gun warning ⚠️

Childe's POV

A loud screech, followed by a scream. Then the face that will always haunt me stares back at me. I wake up with a jolt, my heart beat miles per second. As if I had been dropped, or maybe thrown. I shake my head, getting up despite it barely being 4 in the morning. That nightmare never lets me go back to sleep. I get some firewater in a large glass rather than a shot glass, there's no point if half the bottle is drank each time this happens. I sprawl myself out on the couch taking a sip of it, it barely burns anymore. I keep my eyes wide open, as each time I close them it brings me back to that moment. I swirl the clear liquid around, barely able to think of anything but the incident. It's taken over my life. I slam the glass down on the side table, feeling some of it spill to my back of my hand. I groan rubbing my face with my palms. "For fuc-!" As I'm about to yell out the ringing of my phone almost startles me, causing me to stop. It's 4:27 am, what's someone doing awake at this hour? I look to the caller ID and see it's (Y/N). Knowing them it must be some weird misdial, but if it isn't then this could be very bad. I pick up.

"Childe..?" Their voice is hushed, almost scared. "I didn't know who else to call.. help me.. Childe help me.." They sound like they're on the verge of tears as they practically beg in desperation.

"Where are you (Y/N)? What's wrong what's going on?" I hear footsteps and a bit of shuffling, before hearing their sigh of relief.

"Bring your gun... I've done something really bad. I'm at the bar you used to frequent. I hope you'll forgive me."

"Found you." Their loud scream is cut off by the call having been cut short, I grab my gun and load it up all the way before getting on my motorcycle.

Upon arriving at the run down bar I see gunshots, the necklace I gave (Y/N) on a dusty bar table. They left me a clue. They're upstairs in the closet, but if they've been taken then this could be much worse. I hold the gun down, my finger on the trigger. "Come out you shitheads!!!!" The coldness of a gun's muzzle pressed to the back of my head.

"Now what? Who even are you? If you're (Y/N)'s backup I'm afraid you've come way too late." He presses it closer, pushing me forward. I quickly duck and swipe him off his feet, the gun goes off shooting my side. I sit on top of his chest, pressing the gun to his forehead.

"Where is (Y/N)? Tell me or I'll blow your brains ou-" My eyes widen as I see who it is, Thoma. "Thoma..?"

"Sir? (Y/N) has been discovered as the leak, they have made an attempt to get closer to you to ensure they acquired the data.. I'm sorry."

"..." I sigh, pulling the gun away from Thoma's head. "Alright. I'll see you back at the headquarters then."

By the time the sunrise had set over the houses I stared out of the window. (Y/N) tied up behind me. "You have to believe me Childe..! It wasn't me! It wasn't I swear!"

"I don't believe you, I can't and I won't. When the operation went wrong you dragged me out of there, you a new recruit. Your friend barely trailing behind us, what was she meant to be? A scapegoat? You had her shoot your comrades, you are a liability to both sides (Y/N)." I get up, grabbing the gun, easily putting it to their head. "I've lost my fair share of people, (Y/N). Now I suppose most of them were your fault, I feel no remorse in killing a liar." I place my finger on the trigger.

"It was Shinobu." They press their head to the gun, causing me some doubt. "Please listen to me!" Their voice has determination behind it, some sternness. "Kuki Shinobu, lawyer for the Themis Firm and friends with Kujo Sara. I am Shinobu's friend, but I came here for different reasons, she shot her comrades, she used me as the scapegoat. The night of the drug bust she tipped them off, I have her cell phone." I pull the gun away from their head sighing. I press my finger on the intercom.

"Thoma, bring (Y/N)'s belongings to office. As well as Kuki Shinobu. Tie her up."

By the end of it (Y/N)'s restraints have been released and Thoma is cleaning my office. "You scared me last night." I softly whisper, my hand on their shoulder.

"If I hadn't called you, Thoma would've killed me there. You also got hurt in the process, I'm sorry." I sigh, patting their head.

"I always manage to get hurt, it's not your fault. We should get something to eat, I doubt they treated you nicely while they had you tied up. I'll have Thoma drive you there once he's finished up here."

"Why can't I just ride with you?" I look to them with a bit of a frown.

"I don't let just anyone get on my motorcycle." They roll their eyes, leaning on the wall. If they knew what I did, maybe they wouldn't be so eager to ask.


At some point I lost track of time, dusk falling upon the park. I move some locks out of (Y/N)'s face. "Shall I call Thoma to take you home?"

"You're not very romantic are you? Wouldn't you like someone holding onto you from behind as you drive them on your motorcycle?" I frown once more, taking my hand away from their face.

"I already told you once, I don't let just anyone ride my motorcycle." I get up, pulling out my phone to call Thoma.

"Fine, be like that." (Y/N) goes to the sidewalk huffing, Thoma picks up right away. I wait until I see Thoma's car to leave (Y/N)'s side without a goodbye. I get on my bike, speedily driving off. I begin weaving through the cars, feeling the crisp air blow my hair back. I come to a stoplight, slowly down hastily. A truck passes by, the large wheels crushing a box with what seemed to be glass in it. The cracks bringing me back to that moment.


"Childe slow down..! We might reach a red light!" I laugh heartily.

"I wouldn't let you get hurt, sweetheart." I feel them cling to me tighter, the wind blowing my hair back all the way. The feeling of freedom with them is all I've ever needed. I speed up further, one of the lights turning yellow. "We'll be fine!" Less than halfway through the intersection it turns red. Within a matter of seconds the back of the motorcycle is hit by a car that had also not been paying attention to the lights. The whole world suddenly lurches forward, I'm thrown under a truck. I hit my head and barely manage to see their hand reaching out to me. Their bloody body soon crushed under the wheels.


A honk from behind me brings me back, my hands trembling. Would they still ask that question if they knew?

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Artist @ vikconder on Twitter
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