Gasket vs Copycat | Copycat Hunted

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(scene opens to the Adventure Bay Museum where Mason is providing two magic pup relic for temporary display due to Mayor Goodway's constant pleading)

Mason: I brought in a Minotaur pup transformation nose ring and I'm pretty sure a Lycan pup transformation amulet! (looks at the amulet from several feet away) Or maybe I accidentally grabbed a cursed Lycan pup amulet instead?

Mayor Goodway: Thanks again for helping to display these, not like these will be any trouble on display!

Mason: One more thing!

Mayor Goodway: What's that?

Mason: (pulls a paper attached to a clipboard out of his satchel) Please sign this!

Mayor Goodway: Sure! (signs the paper) What's this paper for?

Mason: Just a paper that says if something happens, you can't blame me for putting these items here and someone takes them!

Mayor Goodway: Ha! Like that would happen!

Mason: (crosses arms as he puts away the signed paper)

Mayor Goodway: Okay, maybe it has happened in the past but it won't anymore!

Mason: (shrugs) I'm just glad that paper says you're to blame if something bad happens! (walks away)

Mayor Goodway: (eye rolls) Like anything will happen! (chuckles)

(scene changes to Hailey Daily with Mr. Nibbles outside the museum)

Hailey Daily: I'm so eager to see these two magic pup magic objects, what about you Mr. Nibbles?

Mr. Nibbles: (shrugs) (meows)

Hailey Daily: Well... This time you can come with me if you want, but please do not touch the artifacts in the museum!

Mr. Nibbles: (walks over and hops in the news van)

Hailey Daily: (surprised) Oh! Well, stay safe! (walks over to pet him) I'll be back soon! (goes off into the museum with her camera)

Mr. Nibbles: (looks around) Nice that she asked if I wanted to come this time! But those annoying magic pup objects are of no interest to me!

(the Ruff-Ruff Pack races past)

Hubcap, Dwayne, and Gasket: Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

Mr. Nibbles: (grins upon seeing the trio) Perhaps I can find a better news story than those magic pup things?

(Mr. Nibbles makes sure nobody is looking before switching into the Copycat)

Copycat: (evil laughs) The Copycat is back! (races off with his super speed)

(the Ruff-Ruff Pack are about to cause trouble for Mr. Porter's cafe)

Hubcap: Time to cause some wheel trouble!

Copycat: (appears without warning) Quite nice to see my friends again!

Gasket: (annoyed) We're not friends, Copycat!

Hubcap: Yeah! Glad I thought of it!

Gasket: (eye rolls)

Copycat: Then perhaps minions or associates?

Dwayne: Hi super kitty!

Copycat: (eye rolls) It's Copycat! (looks at Gasket) How do you put up with these two?

Gasket: (shrugs) (sighs)

Hubcap: What do you want furball?

Copycat: Easy! I order you three to cause trouble in the museum!

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