Everest & Gasket vs Victoria Vance & Mayor Humdinger | Kidnapped Huskies in AC

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(scene opens to Adventure Bay where Everest is with Jake who is preparing for a trip to Adventure City)

Everest: (eagerly) I can't wait to see the pups again! (sighs) I've missed them since they've gone to Adventure City!

Jake: (nods) Me too Everest, but it'll be nice to surprise them with a visit!

Everest: (happily) Yeah!

Jake: Let's head to Adventure City!

Everest: Good thing we have a GPS to guide us there!

Jake: Yep!

(the twosome get in Jake's truck and head out before scene changes to the desert where Gasket is with Sandy in a quiet spot with no one else around)

Gasket: (depressed sighs)

Sandy: Something wrong buddy?

Gasket: I've just missed Rocky since he moved to that Adventure City place!

Sandy: Why don't you pay him a visit?

Gasket: (blushes) I don't even know how to find him! Plus he loves Ginger!

Sandy: (places paw over Gasket's heart) He loves both sides of Ginger!

Gasket: (touched) I know, but I also don't know the way!

Sandy: I do, plus I know the perfect guide!

Gasket: You do?

Sandy: Yep! (whistles) Oh Mason!

Gasket: (confused) Mason?

(a blur of red stripes goes past and stops right behind the twosome before revealing itself to be Mason)

Gasket: (surprised) Whoa!

Mason: I've got a shrunken magical sunstone empowering my creature power suit, again!

Gasket: Whoa! (shyly) Mason, could you please escort me to a place called Adventure City? If that's okay with you, I mean?

Mason: (smiles and nods) Sure girl, but if anyone asks you secretly followed me, without me even knowing!

Gasket: (nods) Understood!

(scene changes to Jake and Everest in a line of traffic leading to Adventure City)

Jake: Boy there sure is a lot of traffic!

Everest: (nods) Yep!

(a blur of red zebra stripes races past)

Mason's voice: Hi Jake, Everest!

Jake and Everest: (surprised) Mason!?

Sound: (motorcycle engine)

Gasket's voice: Pardon, coming through!

(Gasket races past them)

Everest: (surprised gasps) Gasket must be following Mason without him knowing!

Jake: (confused) Why is she even following him?

Everest: Maybe she wanted to cause wheel trouble in Adventure City now! At least that's what I heard the other pups say!

Jake: Not good!

Everest: (sighs) I wonder why the traffic is crowded today, anyway?

(Everest's pup tag glows)

Marshall's voice: Everest, is that you?

Everest: (surprised) Marshall, it's been so long how are you?

Marshall's voice: I'm okay, did you happen to see Mason in a zebra suit run past unknowingly being tailed by Gasket?

Everest: They went right past us! (curiously) Any chance you know about the crowded traffic?

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