Katie & Gasket | Reminiscing Katie's Past

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(scene opens to Katie and Gasket working in the pet parlor while Cali peacefully sleeps nearby)

Katie: Thanks again for helping out Gasket!

Gasket: Anything to help my beloved owner! (curiously) Why aren't you using those genie powers?

Katie: Oh! I kinda put them all back in my bottle, after all they would make things a little too easy! I don't wanna get lazy after all!

Gasket: (nods understandingly) I respect that Katie!

Katie and Gasket: (giggles)

Katie: (smiles) Thanks Gasket, I'm lucky to call you my pup!

Gasket: I'm lucky to call you my owner Katie!

Katie: (touched) Thanks Gasket! (hugs her)

Sound: (door opens)

Katie: Come in... (notices who just entered and surprised by the attire) ...Whoa!

Gasket: (notices) (intrigued) Hm? Creative!

Mason's voice: Thanks ladies!

Katie: What are you wearing, Mason?

Mason: Oh this stuff, I'm just wearing Spellbinder's reflector cape, Meteor's disc blaster, and the stinger trident of Stingrage after beating them in the elemental brawlers arena!

Gasket: (curiously) How'd you get that stuff?

Mason: Trophies for destroying those monsters, they'll get revived by someone eventually! But I know they won't mess with me!

Katie: I must admit, that is an interesting collection of stuff!

Mason: Yep! (puts the stinger trident and disc blaster into his satchel) You girls wanna see me do a trick?

Katie and Gasket: (shrugs) Sure!

Mason: (takes off the reflector cape and lays it on the floor) Abracadabra! (lifts up the cape revealing Mirage) Tada!

Katie and Gasket: (surprise) Wow!

Mirage: (giggles) Hi guys!

Gasket: Talk about an entrance!

Katie: Very creative!

Gasket: (looks over noticing a big book) Katie, what's that book over there?

Katie: Huh? (looks over) Oh! That's my photo album!

Gasket: (curiously) Photo album?

Mason: Say girls, wanna see me vanish?

Gasket: I'll believe it when I see it!

Mason: (moves until he's in front of a shelf) (raises the cape to prevent the girls from seeing him) Abracadabra!

(the cape drops and Mason is gone)

Katie and Gasket: (impressed) Wow!

(the reflector cape lying on the floor magically vanishes)

Gasket: He is quite talented at making an exit!

Mirage: He sure is!

Katie: Mirage, would you like to stick around to hear my past?

Mirage: (smiles) Sure!

Katie: Luckily, it's also closing time!

Gasket and Mirage: So story time?

Katie: (smiles) Sure thing girls!

(Katie opens her photo album to show both curious pups)

Gasket: (notices a picture with a young Katie and a Cali as a very young kitten) (curiously) Is that you?

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