Mayor Goodway & Ruff-Ruff Pack | Winnie Winnington Wards

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(scene opens to City Hall where Mayor Goodway is eagerly awaiting the Chicken Show which in a few days)

Mayor Goodway: Chickaletta, I'm so happy that the Chicken Show is coming! I know you're gonna win for sure! (remembers) But I do remember someone I'm not a very of who's bond to show up and claim she'll win!

Chickaletta: (clucks)

Mayor Goodway: I know, Roostario has much better manners than his owner, Winnie Winnington!

Ruff-Ruff Pack: (goes past) Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

Mayor Goodway: Oh dear, not the Ruff-Ruff Pack again!

(the trio race past not stopping to cause trouble)

Gasket: Magic Paw Inn/Arena, here we come!

Mayor Goodway: My word, that was unexpected! (looks over finding Melody sitting on a bench) (has an idea) Melody, could you please do me a favor?

Melody: Sure! (curiously) Whatcha need?

Mayor Goodway: (provides pup treats and whispers what she'd need for awhile)

Melody: (shrugs) I guess that'd be okay and I'd be happy to fill in for you!

Mayor Goodway: (hugs Melody) Thanks girl!

Melody: No trouble dear!

(scene changes to later with Melody wearing a suit for being the temporary mayor before Mason approaches her in City Hall)

Mason: Something up girl?

Melody: Can you follow Mayor Goodway?

Mason: (reveals the Crystal Glasses and Golden Tiger Claws) I know where to go and have a shortcut!

Melody: (nods) (smiles) Thank you dear!

(scene changes to Mason using the Golden Tiger Claws to enter the Magic Paw Inn/Arena where Blizzard and Thorn are looking over the place while Inferno is the current chef)

Mason: (looks around) Looks like I got here first!

(the Ruff-Ruff Pack enters)

Gasket: (surprised) Mason? What are you doing here?

Mason: Hi pups! Say Gasket, could I speak with you in private?

Gasket: Sure! (curiously) But why? (follows Mason upstairs)

(Blizzard secretly winks to Mason already knowing his idea and will keeps things quiet)

(scene changes to Mayor Goodway dressed as Mayor Badway with Chickaletta in her biker attire enter the building)

Gasket: (comes downstairs now having a covert listening device on her vest looking like a normal pin with a star on it) What'd I miss?

Hubcap: You wheely wanna see this Gasket!

Gasket: (looks over) (surprised) You!

Mayor Goodway: Hello Ruff-Ruff Pack!

Hubcap: (annoyed) What do you want?

Gasket: Yeah!

Mayor Goodway: What a nice pin you have, Gasket!

Gasket: Oh this, Mason kindly gave it to me as a gift but just to return if I don't want it! But I'll have to find him later, he used those Golden Tiger Claws to head somewhere else!

Mayor Goodway: How nice!

Hubcap: What do you want?

Mayor Goodway: To talk with you naughty biker pups!

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