Gasket & Katie | Saving Katie from Ruff-Ruff Trouble

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(scene opens to the desert where Hubcap is annoyed upon Gasket leaving the Ruff-Ruff Pack to stay with Katie)

Hubcap: Gasket can't just leave us!

Dwayne: Are you sure Hubcap, she looks much happier with that nice girl?

Hubcap: (annoyed) For one none of those ifrit pups don't listen to us and Sandy barely shows up nowadays too!

Dwayne: Well she does like spending time with her family!

Hubcap: I'd say we cause wheel trouble by taking Gasket's owner!

Dwayne: (unsure) I'm not sure Hubcap?

Hubcap: (annoyed) When have we ever backed outta trouble, Dwayne!

Dwayne: Um? Several times!

Sound: (thud)

Hubcap and Dwayne: (surprised) What was that!?

(the twosome look back finding a damaged Automaton)

Dwayne: Whoa! That's one big robot!

Hubcap: Where'd this thing come from?

Dwayne: No idea!

Hubcap: Hm? Say if we can get this to work for us, then we can cause wheel trouble for Gasket!

Dwayne: (unsure) I'm not sure Hubcap?

Hubcap: Let's just get this thing to work for us! Now let's get the spray paint!

Dwayne: (confused) Huh?

(scene changes to later at Katie's pet parlor where Katie is in her genie outfit and hair style while playing with both of her pets)

Gasket: This is so much fun Katie!

Cali: Yeah!

Katie: (giggles) Aww, thanks girls!

Sound: (boom)

Katie, Gasket, and Cali: (startled) What was that!?

(an Automaton with the Ruff-Ruff Pack logo painted on it's chest through a hole it smashed in the wall)

Katie: What is that thing!?

Hubcap's voice: Ha! That's the newest member of the Ruff-Ruff Pack, you traitor!

(Hubcap and Dwayne walk over)

Dwayne: I'm so sorry Gasket and her nice owner, Hubcap made me do this!

Gasket: First, how did you ever build something like that!?

Hubcap: Like we'd ever tell you!

Dwayne: It just showed up in the desert without warning, we have no idea where it came from!

Hubcap: (annoyed) You shouldn't have said that Dwayne, now she thinks we're not great inventors!

Gasket: (eye rolls) (annoyed) What do you want!?

Hubcap: To cause wheel trouble for you traitor!

Gasket: I found a better way in life and took it, not my fault you're still a troublemaker!

Hubcap: Robot, smash her ride!

(the automaton smashes Gasket's motorcycle)

Gasket: (jaw drops) My motorcycle!

Katie: That wasn't a very nice Hubcap!

Hubcap: (scoffs) Big deal, grab her robot!

(the Automaton grabs Katie)

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