Luke Stars, Ladybird, & Ruff-Ruff Pack | A Surprising Ruff-Ruff Assist

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(scene opens to Luke Stars checking the equipment in his van singing about how great performing in Adventure Bay will be)

Luke Stars: It'll be great to perform in Adventure Bay and see my Paw Patrol pals again!

Sound: (rustling)

Luke Stars: (surprised) What's that rustling sound? (notices a nearby bush shaking) Who's there?

(Oracle the Oracle pup calmly exits a nearby bush)

Luke Stars: (surprised) Oh Oracle, what are you doing here girl?

Oracle: I foresee trouble in your future!

Luke Stars: (concerned) That doesn't sound good?

Oracle: A word of advice, it might take an ally and troublemaker to beat a troublemaker!

Luke Stars: Confusing advice to be honest with you girl! (looks away for a moment then looks back finding Oracle is gone without a trace) (surprised) Whoa! She mysteriously vanished after forewarning me about possible trouble!

Luke Stars: Well just in chase she's right, I'd better keep a lookout the best I can! (finishes his equipment check not even knowing the Ladybird lurked nearby)

Ladybird: (staying hidden but sees Luke Stars' shiny van and microphone from her hiding spot) If it shines, it's mine! (evil cackles)

(Ladybird exits the bushes once the van and miraculously trips on a meteor piece)

Ladybird: (annoyed) Pesky rock! (notices) (surprised gasps) A meteor piece! (grabs it and regains her super powers)

Ladybird: (cackles) My powers are back! (looks at Luke Stars' van) If it shines, it's mine! Plus the famous musician for an added bonus! (cackles)

Sound: (rattlesnake rattle)

Mason's voice: Stop right here Ladybird!

Ladybird: (looks behind her then down finding a shrunk Mason in a rattlesnake suit) (mocking) Ha! You're a pipsqueak at the moment, what do you think you can do to the Ladybird!?

(Mason calmly presses a button on his creature power suit causing him to grow back to his normal size while still wearing his rattlesnake suit)

Ladybird: (surprised) Oh!

Mason: (hisses) You can't beat a rattlesnake that easily!

Ladybird: We'll see about that fool! (reveals a meteor piece)

Mason: I'm no coward when it comes to facing super powered folk!

(scene changes to Mason with the lower half of rattlesnake body wrapped around a cactus)

Mason: (glares at Ladybird) This isn't over!

Ladybird: (mocking) I'd say this so over, you'll be struck here you annoying snake boy! (flies off) Now to get that singer and his shiny van!

Mason: (sighs) I need a hand with this!

Sound: (motorcycles engines)

Mason: (looks over finding four family biker pups) Glad a close friend is with them! (shouts loudly) Hey Ruff-Ruff Pack!

(scene changes to Hubcap laughing at Mason's situation, Dwayne worriedly paces around Mason, and Sandy & Gasket try to figure out how to help him)

Hubcap: Ha! You got tied up good!

Mason: Not my fault I was taking on a super powered female troublemaker with the powers of flight and super strength!

Gasket: Hm? How will we get you unstuck?

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