Princess of Barkingburg & Katie | Lost Genie Magic

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(scene opens to Katie, the Princess of Barkingburg, Everest, Skye, and Liberty having fun with their basic genie powers in the castle of Barkingburg)

Princess of Barkingburg: It's quite delightful that we all brought our genie bottles to Barkingburg!

Katie: (giggles) It's nice all five of us get to hang out!

Liberty: Feels like nothing can go wrong!

Sweetie's voice: Who are you? (screams) Gah!

Princess of Barkingburg: (gasps) Sweetie! (rushes off)

Katie: Let's see what's wrong pups! (follows the princess)

Liberty, Skye, and Everest: On it Katie! (follows her)

(the five find Sweetie who's body excluding her head has been encased in sea shell like material)

Princess of Barkingburg: (gasps) Sweetie, what happened to you?

Sweetie: (unable to move) (glares at Liberty) That pup did this to me!

Liberty: What!? Why would I do something like this?

Princess of Barkingburg: Sweetie, could you please explain?

Sweetie: I was only minding my business this time until that pup, (glares at Liberty) came out from behind a suit of armor and did this while snickering at me once she finished!

Liberty: I swear, I didn't do this Sweetie!

Sweetie: Then explain who did this then, Liberty!

Skye: (floating above) We'll figure this out! (suddenly falls) Gah!

Everest: I got you Skye! (runs under and catches Skye on her back)

Skye and Everest: Oof!

Katie: You both okay?

Skye and Everest: We're okay!

Skye: I have no idea why I suddenly stopped floating! (tries but is unable to float) I can float in the air anymore!

Liberty: (confused) What happened?

Everest: (tries using her magic but can't) Hey! My genie powers are gone too!

Katie and Princess of Barkingburg: (try using their powers but nothing happens) Us too!

Liberty: (tries using her powers but nothing occurs) Mine are gone too?

Skye: What's going on?

Princess of Barkingburg: Let's check our genie bottles!

Sweetie: Hey! What about me!

Princess of Barkingburg: (embarrassed) Sorry Sweetie, I forgot! (unsure) How will we get you out?

Male voice: Need a jackhammer?

Princess of Barkingburg: Hm? A jackhammer could help but we'd have to be cautious! (looks back) (surprised gasps) You!

(the others look back to find Mason as Armodrillo with Frostbite on his shoulder)

Katie: Mason, what are you doing?

Frostbite: Just the two of us hanging out again! (nuzzles him) Been awhile since we had a chance! Also Mirage's pack is taking a spa day together!

Armodrillo: (gently scratches Frostbite's chin)

Everest: I wish we knew what happened to our basic genie magic?

Princess of Barkinburg: I agree Everest!

Sound: (jackhammer)

Sweetie: (freed thanks to Mason gently using Armodrillo's jackhammer hands) Yes! (cheers) I'm free!

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