Skye & Ace Sorenson | Floating Lip Trouble

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Skye and Ace Sorenson in their genie outfits are playing with basic genie magic)

Skye: It's great seeing you Ace!

Ace: (chuckles) I'm happy we could hang out and play Skye!

Skye: Me too!

Sound: (wolf-like howling)

Ace: (concerned) Were that wolves?

Skye: Those were either wolves of the Lycan pups!

Ace: (confused) Lycan pup?

Skye: Werewolf like pups!

Three Female voices: You bet it's us!

Luna and Dot: (walk over) Hi Skye!

Skye: Luna, Dot, good seeing you! (realizes) Wait, I heard three voices?

Luna and Dot: (smiles) That's our mum!

Skye: Mom? I didn't know, I thought you girls didn't have one?

Luna: (smiles) A friend made a new Lycan pup and this one is kin to us!

Moonbeam: (walks over) Hello dears!

Dot and Luna: (nuzzles her) Mom!

Skye: I don't remember you?

Moonbeam: Melody and the elemental brawler helped bring me to life from the fur of these two little fuzz balls! (pets the heads of Luna and Dot)

Luna: We really love her!

Dot: Yeah!

Moonbeam: I love you both too!

Ace: Aww, that's so sweet!

Skye: So how's being pack leader Luna?

Luna: I stepped down, our mom was chosen as queen/leader of the Lycan pup pack!

Skye: Wow!

Ace: Impressive!

Chase: (walks over) Hi girls! Anyone see Mirage's family?

Luna: They're on a family spa day!

Chase: I was kinda hoping to ask them for a magic blessing!

Dot: Well they're not the only magic pups to make marks!

Chase: Wait, do you Lycan pups have them too?

Moonbeam: We recently learned them from the elemental brawler leader! Also my name is Moonbeam!

Chase: Oh hi, say you're a new one?

Moonbeam: Let's just say I'm family to Dot and Luna!

Luna and Dot: She was borned through magic and our mom!

Skye: Adopted?

Luna: Technically, yes! But we'd like to make it official somehow?

Chase: (shrugs) Could I try your magical mark?

Moonbeam: Sure! (places paw on Chase's arm and leaves behind a Lycan pup transformation mark!

Chase: (transforms into Lycan pup) (surprised) What's going on?

Luna: Just a Lycan pup transformation mark!

Skye: You only know six magic marks, right?

Moonbeam: Seven actually, we were shown a Lycan pup transformation mark!

Chase: Um?

Moonbeam: Hang on dear! (waves her paw making the transformation mark vanish while Chase reverts to normal)

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