Rubble x Liberty | Reaching the Top of Liberty the Mountain

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Liberty is visiting her friends who are happy seeing her again)

Liberty: Hi pups!

Pups: Liberty!

Hex: (magically appears) Hi guys!

Marshall: Hi Hex, good seeing you too!

Rubble: Good seeing both of you!

Hex: (trips on her own paws dropping a magical sunstone and three magical meatballs for weight gain) Oof!

(the magical meatballs land on the magical sunstone)

Pups: (rushes over to Hex) Hex!

Liberty: Say Hex, were you gonna eat these meatballs?

Hex: I think those are harmless ones, so I think it's all good! (unsure) Maybe?

Liberty: (shrugs) Just asking first! (eats the magical meatballs) Yum! They tasted great!

Rubble: Aww, I would've loved one!

Liberty: Oops! Sorry about that Rubble, I didn't know!

Rubble: (chuckles) It's all good!

(Liberty's stomach vibrates and gurgles)

Hex: (sends the magical sunstone back where it belongs) Much better!

Rubble: Liberty, is something wrong?

Liberty: I'm not sure, but something's up with my stomach!

Hex: It's possible those weren't normal magic meatballs!

Liberty: Oh boy! (stomach enlarges without warning causing Liberty's stomach to grow the size of a mountain)

Pups: (rush away from Liberty's oversized belly) (surprised) Whoa!

Skye: I didn't know they were that fattening!

Hex: Well she did eat them while they were still on the magical sunstone so it might have overpowered the meatballs magic!

Rubble: No kidding!

Hex: At least they weren't on the sunstone for too long, or they could've made Liberty even bigger!

Liberty's voice: Pups, what about me?

Hex: An original weight meatball should be exactly what you need to be normal!

Rubble: How do we get up to her mouth?

(Liberty's stomach gurgles then expands another foot in diameter)

Pups: (surprised) Whoa!

Liberty's voice: I felt like I put on more weight?

Hex: You expanded a food in diameter!

Skye: Wait, how'd that happen?

Hex: I think we should get her somewhere that can support her weight!

Chase: Why would we need to do that?

Hex: (crosses arms) This area might be only capable of supporting too much weight before something caves in or breaks!

Pups: Uh oh!

Rubble: (concerned) Where would be safe?

Hex: I know the perfect place!

(scene changes to a mobile battle dome magically arrives with the group including Liberty now inside it)

Skye: Hex, are you sure about this?

Hex: Yep! These battle domes incorporate any weight!

(the area inside changes to the same as the outside)

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