Marshall x Everest & Skye x Chase | Meeting Future Selves

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(scene opens to Marshall preparing to perform a trick in front of Everest, Skye, and Chase)

Chase: Marshall, you sure about using your magic?

Marshall: No worries Chase, I'm positive nothing can go wrong! (reveals a genie pup blessing) Plus I got a blessing from Mirage!

Skye and Everest: Cool!

Chase: Why are you three wearing your genie pup outfits anyway?

Skye: We were just in the mood to wear them!

Everest: Plus we still got a touch of magic, but with that blessing Marshall's even stronger until it's been removed, that is!

Chase: (nods)

Marshall: Watch as I perform a big disappearing trick! (raises his paws which are glowing) (suddenly sneezes interrupting how back) (goes poof)

Chase and Skye: (shocked gasps) Marshall!

Everest: (tearful gasps) Marshall!

(all three pups glow)

Chase: Uh oh!

Skye: Not good?

Everest: Where are you Marshall?

(all three pups go poof)

(scene changes to all three pups tumbling through a time rift)

Skye: (surprised) Whoa! I didn't know Marshall was that powerful!

Chase: His sneeze must've interfered with his magic!

Everest: (looks around finding someone bouncing around further ahead) Guys, I think I see Marshall!

Skye and Chase: (look ahead) Whoa!

Marshall's voice: (bouncing around) Oof! Ouch! I feel like pinball bouncing around! Oof!

Everest: (swims ahead) (determined) I'm coming Marshall!

Skye: Us too! (swim ahead)

Chase: Yeah! (swims ahead)

(the trio managed to swim to Marshall)

Everest: I gotcha! (wraps her paws around his chest)

Marshall: (surprised) Guys! How'd you get here?

Chase: Magic mishap!

Skye: (nods) Yep!

Marshall: I'm sorry this happened!

Everest: We all know it wasn't on purpose! (nuzzles him)

Marshall: (blushes)

Skye: (giggles) I guess she really missed you!

Everest: (wraps herself around Marshall) If we're lost in time I want you to remember this!

Marshall: Remember wha-(passionately kissed on the lips by Everest) (eyes widen melts into her kiss) (both part for air) (blushes) Everest, do you love me?

Everest: (giggles) Since we first met I've felt a special spark in my heart igniting my feeling for you!

Marshall: I felt the same way about you!

Everest: (squeals) With joy!

(Marshall and Everest passionately kiss again)

Skye: (in awe) That's so sweet!

Chase: (looks away crying tears of joy but tries to look resilient) That is sweet!

Skye: (notices and has an idea) Okay, I also wanted to say something too, Chase!

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